Witam oferuję książkę:Naturalizing Phenomenology. Issues in Contemporary Phenomenology and Cognitive ScienceEdited by Jean Petitot, Francisco J. Varela, Bernard Pachoud, and Jean-Michel Roy1999 / 672 pp. / 42 figures.Series: Writing SciencePaperback: 672 pagesPublisher: Stanford University Press; 1 edition (January 1, 2000)Language: EnglishISBN-10: 080[zasłonięte]6103ISBN-13: 978-[zasłonięte][zasłonięte]47361Product Dimensions: 9.3 x 6.2 x 1.4 inches Stan BDB / mała sygnatura dawnego właścicielaOpis:This ambitious work aims to shed new light on the relations between Husserlian phenomenology and the present-day efforts toward a scientific theory of cognition—with its complex structure of disciplines, levels of explanation, and conflicting hypotheses.The book’s primary goal is not to present a new exegesis of Husserl’s writings, although it does not dismiss the importance of such interpretive and critical work. Rather, the contributors assess the extent to which the kind of phenomenological investigation Husserl initiated favors the construction of a scientific theory of cognition, particularly in contributing to specific contemporary theories either by complementing or by questioning them. What clearly emerges is that Husserlian phenomenology cannot become instrumental in developing cognitive science without undergoing a substantial transformation. Therefore, the central concern of this book is not only the progress of contemporary theories of cognition but also the reorientation of Husserlian phenomenology.Because a single volume could never encompass the numerous facets of this dual aim, the contributors focus on the issue of naturalization. This perspective is far-reaching enough to allow for the coverage of a great variety of topics, ranging from general structures of intentionality, to the nature of the founding epistemological and ontological principles of cognitive science, to analyses of temporality and perception and the mathematical modeling of their phenomenological description.This book, then, is a collective reflection on the possibility of utilizing a naturalized Husserlian phenomenology to contribute to a scientific theory of cognition that fills the explanatory gap between the phenomenological mind and brain.Table of Contents Beyond the gap : an introduction to naturalizing phenomenology / Jean-Michel Roy, Jean Petitot, Francisco Varela, Bernard Pachoud Intentionality naturalized? / David Woodruff Smith Saving intentional phenomena : intentionality, representation, and symbol / Jean-Michel Roy Leibhaftigkeit and representational theories of perception / Elisabeth Pacherie Perceptual completion : a case study in phenomenology and cognitive science / Evan Thompson, Alva Noee, and Luiz Pessoa The teleological dimension of perceptual and motor intentionality / Bernard Pachoud Constitution by movement : Husserl in light of recent neurobiological findings / Jean-Luc Petit Wooden iron? Husserlian phenomenology meets cognitive science / Tim van Gelder The specious present : a neurophenomenology of time consciousness / Francisco J. Varela Truth and the visual field / Barry Smith Morphological eidetics for a phenomenology of perception / Jean Petitot Formal structures in the phenomenology of motion / Roberto Casati Geodel and Husserl / Dagfinn Follesdal The mathematical continuum : from intuition to logic / Giuseppe Longo Naturalizing phenomenology? Dretske on qualia / Ronald McIntyre The immediately given as ground and background / Juan-José Botero When transcendental genesis encounters the naturalization project / Natalie Depraz Sense and continuum in Husserl / Jean-Michel Salanskis Cognitive psychology and the transcendental theory of knowledge / Maria Villela-Petit The movement of the living as the originary foundation of perceptual intentionality / Renaud Barbaras Philosophy and cognition : historical roots / Jean-Pierre Dupuy
Filozofia umysłuSztuczna inteligencjakognitywistykacognitive sciencephilosophy of mind
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