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MYTEK Stereo 96 ADC

23-10-2014, 19:34
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Aktualna cena: 1 900 zł     
Użytkownik JaKKK
numer aukcji: 4697401788
Miejscowość Warszawa
Wyświetleń: 78   
Koniec: 23-10-2014 19:27:52

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Stereo96 ADC

Stereo96 ADC is a two channel hi-end Analog to Digital converter for recording and mastering applications. The main feature of this converter is its outstanding sound quality which makes it suitable for the most demanding projects when preserving the original signal quality is a required. 

Stereo96 ADC features include:

- 44.1, 48, 88.2 and 96kHz internal sampling frequencies
- Ext. wordclock sync 25-100kHz or 256x Superclock(tm)
- 120dB Dynamic Range
- 24 bit resolution
- High performance SuperShaper-HR™ psychoacoustic noiseshaping algorithm for 16 bit output 
- Switchable precision 10 turn-trimpots or input gain knob
- Wordclock output can be used as a hi-end house clock.

Stereo96 ADC Specifications

Conversion:                  Linear PCM,  128x oversampling at 44.1/48kHz
                                                                 64x oversampling at 88.2/96kHz

Resolution:                   24 bit

Sample rates:              44.1kHz, 48kHz, 88.2kHz, 96kHz 
                                        or wordclock 25-100kHz

Dynamic Range:          120dB A-weighted, 117dB Total

THD+Noise:                 -105dB (<0.0005%)

Internal clock jitter:       <10picoseconds

Analog Inputs:               +4dBm balanced or unbalanced, 10kOhm

Digital outputs:              Hi-speed (25-100kHz) AES/EBU and SPDIF 

External Sync.:               Wordclock in and out. or 256x Superclock 
                                         Wordlock Out
                                         used as house clock: 15 LS TTL loads max.

                                         Can be terminated.

Mains:                             100/115V-220/240V 50/60Hz switchable 

Dimensions:                 1/3 rack space wide x 1U high x 8” deep 
(5.5”x 1.6”x 8”) 

Weight:                            3.5 pounds