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20-01-2012, 17:35
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Aktualna cena: 21 zł     
Użytkownik surbit
numer aukcji: 2045144556
Miejscowość Tarnobrzeg
Wyświetleń: 5   
Koniec: 15-01-2012 18:51:17

Dodatkowe informacje:
Stan: Nowy
Liczba płyt w wydaniu: jedna
Opakowanie: bez folii
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Płyta oryginalna, wydana w 2004 roku przez wytwórnie Clapping Music

You may be aware of it or you may not, but Sada Soul really was an unnatural experience for Damien Mingus. After years and years of noise making in basements with emaciated guitars or broken turntables, the industrious elaboration and sparkling finishing of his first pop songs almost felt like a reinvention.

Written, composed and recorded in a hurry the day after the conclusion of that strange experience, I Insist is almost a gut-reaction-response: that is, a collection of songs recorded at home, on the fly, which expose their frailty with gusto and pride. Or else, a shaky return to the fold, where old records pile up, where friends, beautiful drones, crackling microphones, miniatures, demo versions of songs are more beautiful than the definitive substitutes. In a way, I Insist turns in circles and puts things back where they belong.

-- Czas--


--Zawartość --

01. Everybody song
02. No aka toy
03. The actress
04. Night surprise
05. It hurts so good
06. Old accoustic tension
07. The brand new testament
08. Special day
09. AS09 VS AS13
10. Yesterday was a mess
11. I can always love u
12. Concermate plays
13. Salima sings