A-Neutronics SB-3690
Za jego pomocą można oglądać telewizje w Polsce na telewizorze przywiezionym z USA (NTSC), wykorzystywać monitor komputera jako telewizor, i wiele innych. Urządzenie potrafi konwertować w sygnał NTSC, PAL i VGA na NTSC, PAL lub VGA. Urządzenie było mało używane, jest w 100% sprawne. Udzielam 30 dni gwaracji na dokładne przetestowanie.
OPIS po angielsku:
SB-3690 is a PAL to NTSC and NTSC to PAL Digital converter, delivering high-quality converted pictures, exceptional super-stable synchronism, superior color separation. It is ideal for tape conversion, DVD players, camcorders, video editing/capture, multi-system VCR/multimedia applications.
Tape conversion:Exchange tapes with friends/relatives living abroad, or use for business/education applications. PAL or NTSC VCR is required to do this. (Note: If you have a PAL or NTSC tape, then you must use a VCR that is able to play that tape, in conjunction with this converter. This converter will not enable you to play a PAL tape in an NTSC VCR, or vice versa)TVs:Take your American TV overseas or bring your PAL TV to the US. Using the high quality conversion of the SB-3690 to convert TV signals, you can use any PAL or NTSC TV to view any type of broadcast signal in the world, eliminating the need to buy a new multi-system TV. Since this converter has digital video processing, there is very low signal degradation, almost impossible to see the difference. Note that it won't covert an RF signal (the coaxial cable directly from the wall)International travel:Use your video equipment while traveling/relocating to a country using a different TV system.Camcorders:Use your PAL camcorder in the US or your NTSC camcorder overseas on a PAL TV. Can convert movies from your camcorder. For example: Make a NTSC tape from a PAL camcorder.Computer:Connect your computer to TV/Projector for gaming/presentation purposes. You can view any of your home video equipment on a computer monitor.
Analog converters will not convert Frequency 50/60Hz and won't work with many TVs. SB-3690 is a digital converter, meaning it will handle any PAL/NTSC format, convert frequency in real time with no signal delay, and will not require your TV to have a vertical hold or any other special features. Guaranteed to work with all TVs and all types of equipment.
Audio: Audio signal is connected like normal directly from the source to your display or recording source. There will be no audio delay.