MPXA4100A6U [Motorola]
Czujnik ciśnienia bezwzględnego MPXS4100/MPXA4100 zawiera wzmacniacz operacyjny i zasilacz rezystorowy do precyzyjnej i kompensowanej temperaturowo emisji sygnałów. Napięcie wyjściowe jest proporcjonalne do mierzonego ciśnienia i zmienia się od 0,3 V przy 20 kPa do 4,9 V przy 105 kPa. Przez to możliwe jest bezpośrednie połączenie do wyświetlaczy, przetworników A/D i mikrometrowych systemów procesorowych za pomocą niewielu elementów zewnętrznych.Integrated Silicon Pressure Sensor for Manifold Absolute Pressure Applications On-Chip Signal Conditioned, Temperature Compensated and Calibrated The MPX4100A series Manifold Absolute Pressure MAP sensor for engine control is designed to sense absolute air pressure within the intake manifold. This measurement can be used to compute the amount of fuel equired for each cylinder. The small form factor and high reliability of on-chip ntegration makes the MAP sensor a logical and economical choice for automotive system designers.The MPX4100A series piezoresistive transducer is a state-of-the-art, monolithic, signal conditioned, silicon pressure sensor. This sensor combines advanced icromachining techniques, thin film metallization, and bipolar semiconductor processing to provide an accurate, high level analog output signal that is proportional to applied pressure.Features• 1.8% Maximum Error Over 0 to 85 C• Specifically Designed for Intake Manifold Absolute Pressure Sensing in Engine Control Systems• Ideally Suited for Microprocessor Interfacing or Microcontroller Based Systems• Temperature Compensated Over -40 C to 125 C• Durable Epoxy Unibody Element• Ideal for Non-Automotive Applications• Available as Standard Fluorosilicone Gel MPXA4100A, MPX4100A or Media Resistant Gel MPXAZ4100A • Durable Thermoplastic PPS Surface Mount Package
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