Films can be a powerful aid to learning about mental
illness and psychopathology - for students of
psychology, psychiatry, social work, medicine, nursing,
counseling, literature or media studies, and for anyone
interested in mental health. Movies and Mental Illness,
written by experienced clinicians and teachers who are
themselves movie aficionados, has established a great
reputation as a uniquely enjoyable and highly memorable
text for learning about psychopathology. The new edition
has been fully updated to include DSM-5 and ICD-10
diagnoses. The core clinical chapters each use a
fabricated case history and Mini-Mental State
Examination along with synopses and discussions about
specific movies to explain, teach, and encourage
discussion about all the most important mental health
disorders. Each chapter also includes: Critical Thinking
Questions; ''Authors' Picks'' (Top 10 Films); What To
Read if You Only Have Time to Read One Book or Article;
and Topics for Group Discussions. Other features of the
new, expanded edition include: Full index of films
Sample course syllabus Ratings of around 1,500 films
Fascinating appendices, such as ''Top 50 Heroes and
Villains,'' psychotherapists in movies, misconceptions
about mental illness in movies, and recommended
websites. Do you want to propose a film for the 4th
edition of Movies and Mental Illness? Have a look at the
authors' blogspot! They welcome all comments on the
films they already plan to discuss, or suggestions for
films to include in the new edition! |