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Monotonix - Body language [rapeman, indie, noise]

24-01-2012, 11:50
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numer aukcji: 2041737921
Miejscowość Kraków
Wyświetleń: 6   
Koniec: 16-01-2012 21:49:34

Dodatkowe informacje:
Stan: Używany
Liczba płyt w wydaniu: jedna
Opakowanie: bez folii
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Monotonix – Body Language


Niesławne izraelskie trio grające melodyjnego noise rocka

Wydało renomowane Drag City!


They began by playing shows at local venues. They frequently set up on the floor among the crowd, playing shows raucous enough to result in the power being shut off or the police called in.

Eventually finding themselves banned from most of the venues in Tel Aviv, the band decided to leave Israel and tour the United States and Europe. From 2006 to 2007, Monotonix played over 400 shows around the world, including appearances at notable Festivals in the US and Europe, and a few tours with Silver Jews, whom they have opened for in Israel and befriended. Monotonix have become known for setting themselves and their equipment on fire, stealing drinks from audience members to pour on themselves, and turning their shows into frenzied dance parties, and later, for their unique take on raw garage rock.

In 2008, the band signed to Drag City, where they have released Body Language, recorded by Tim Green of the Fucking Champs, and have continued their all-year touring playing over 250 shows that year alone.


Lowest Dive

Summers And Autumns




  Body Language

  Deadly Weapon

  No Metal

  On The Road


Zdjęcia sprzedawanego egzemplarza, w kodzie kreskowym otworek