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Moduł STM32 FireBull LCD 3.2" STM32F103VET

05-12-2014, 20:07
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Cena kup teraz: 279 zł     
Użytkownik ReviaElectronik
numer aukcji: 4836913954
Miejscowość Szczecin
Wyświetleń: 51   
Koniec: 05-12-2014 19:27:19

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Stan: Nowy
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Czas realizacji:

24 godzin od zaksięgowania wpłaty.

Opcje wysyłki:

Polecamy wysyłkę kurierem. Nie odpowiadamy za terminy dostarczenia przesyłki Pocztą Polską.



GSM 665 [zasłonięte] 555


Moduł STM32 FireBull LCD 3.2"

STM32F103VET6 development board + 3.2'' TFT LCD touch screen

Dekoder MP3, CAN, RS485, Host USB, NAND Flash 128MB ...



  • MCU: STM32F103VET6 from STMicroelectronics, incorporates the high-performance ARM® Cortex™-M3 32-bit RISC core operating at a 72 MHz frequency in LQFP100 package. The STM32F103VET6 offers high-speed embedded memories(512KB FLASH, 64KB RAM), 12-bit ADC, DAC, PWM, I2C, SPI, I2S, SDIO, USART, USB, CAN, and FSMC.
  • 3.2'' TFT LCD touch screen, 320*240 resolution, 262k color, 8/16 bit bus, IO controlling, Stand-Alone touch controller chip, supports 1 SD card(SPI) and 1 DATA FLASH for storage application, such as images, files, data, etc.
  • 128M NAND FLASH, IO controlling, customized updating is available(supports up to 1G, 2G, 4G, etc.).
  • Onboard high performance MP3/WMA/MIDI audio decoder and ADPCM encoder: VS1003. It is a single-chip MP3/WMA/MIDI audio decoder and ADPCM encoder. It contains a highperformance, proprietary low-power DSP processor core VS DSP4, working data memory, 5 KiB instruction RAM and 0.5 KiB data RAM for user applications, serial control and input data interfaces, 4 general purpose I/O pins, an UART, as well as a high-quality variable-sample-rate mono ADC and stereo DAC, followed by an earphone amplifier and a common buffer.
  • One USB host port, features a file manage and control chip: CH376, used to MCU system read/write file in USB Flash Drive or SD card. CH376 supports USB-Device Mode and USB-HOST Mode. Set the basic firmware of USB communication protocol in the inner. It is also set firmware of special communication protocol to deal with Mass-Storage devices, communication interface firmware of SD card, FAT16, FAT32 and FAT12 file system manage firmware in the inner. It supports common USB storage devices (contains USB Flash Drive/USB hard disk/USB Flash memory/USB reader) and SD cards (contain SD card with standard capacity and HC-SD card with high capacity, MMC card and TF card compatible with protocol).
    • Supports 1.5Mbps low-speed and 12Mbps full-speed, compatible with USB V2.0, only needs crystal and capacitance external.
    • USB-HOST Mode and USB-DEVICE Mode, automatically switch Host Mode and Device Mode.
    • Supports USB device control transfer, bulk transfer and interrupt transfer.
    • Detects USB device plug and unplug automatically and sends message to USB host.
    • Set file system manage firmware of FAT16, FAT32 and FAT12, support the capacity up to 32GB USB Flash Drive and SD Card.
    • Supply file manage function: open, create or delete file, enumerate and search file, create the sub-catalog, and support the long file name.
    • Supply 8-bit passive parallel interface with 2MB speed, support parallel data bus connect to MCU.
    • Supply SPI device interface with 2MB/24MHz speed, support SPI serial bus connect to MCU.
  • One Ethernet port, features a Microchip Stand-Alone Ethernet Controller with SPI Interface: ENC28J60. Onboard RJ45 connector with transformer and indicator LED.
    • IEEE 802.3™ Compatible Ethernet Controller
    • Fully Compatible with 10/100/1000Base-T Networks
    • Integrated MAC and 10Base-T PHY
    • Supports One 10Base-T Port with Automatic Polarity Detection and Correction
    • Supports Full and Half-Duplex modes
  • One USB device port(supported by STM32F103VET6)
  • Communication Interfaces: one CAN, one RS485, two RS232
  • SD card slot that uses SPI interface
  • Memories: one EEPROM with I2C interface & one Data Flash with SPI interface
  • AD & DA function: one potentiometer for ADC input adjustment, Screw-terminated connectors for two channels ADC input & one channel DAC output
  • Human-Machine Interfaces: one buzzer, four user LEDs, one power indicator, one USB communication indicator, three user push-buttons, one joystick(five positions), one reset button
  • Powered from 5V DC or USB interface, configured via onboard jumper
  • Dimension: 15cm x 11cm

Do pobrania


W zestawie


  • FB-STM32F103 development board
  • LCD 3.2"
  • USB Cable
  • Serial Cable
  • RJ45 Ethernet Cable
  • 5V Power Adapter
  • User Guide CD(including datasheets, softwares, examples, and schematic)

Na innych naszych aukcjach dostępne moduły z LCD 4.3", 7" oraz bez LCD



Moduł STM32 FireBull LCD 3.2Moduł STM32 FireBull LCD 3.2Moduł STM32 FireBull LCD 3.2Moduł STM32 FireBull LCD 3.2Moduł STM32 FireBull LCD 3.2


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