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Moduł PIR HC-SR501 czujnik detektor ruchu

06-02-2014, 16:39
Aukcja w czasie sprawdzania była zakończona.
Najwyzsza cena licytacji: zł      Aktualna cena: 6.50 zł     
Użytkownik Matematix
numer aukcji: 3912557873
Miejscowość Gdynia
Licytowało: 7    Wyświetleń: 261   
Koniec: 06-02-2014 16:26:59

Dodatkowe informacje:
Stan: Nowy
Waga (z opakowaniem): 0.20 [kg]
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Mam do sprzedania 9 sztuk modułu HC-SR501, Nówki sztuki nie śmiagane, nie rozpakowane.
Sprzedaję gdyż wietrzę szuflady, a zalegają mi od ponad pół roku dostane w ramach nietrafionego prezentu.

Na terenie trójmiasta możliwy odbiór osobisty.
Poniżej parametry:

HC-SR501 ordinary human infrared sensor module pyroelectric infrared sensor to provide electronic information

Technical parameters:
1 Operating voltage: DC5V to 20V
Static power consumption: 65 microamps
3-level output: 3.3V, low 0V
Delay time: adjustable (0.3 seconds to 18 seconds)
5. Blockade time: 0.2 seconds
Trigger: L can not be repeated, H can be repeated, the default value of H
Sensing range: less than 120 degree cone angle, 7 meters
Operating Temperature: -15 to +70 degrees
9.PCB Dimensions: 32 * 24mm, screw hole distance 28mm, screw aperture 2mm sensor lens size: (diameter): 23mm (default)

Automatic sensor: when someone enters its sensing range input high, people leave the sensor range automatic delay off high. Output low.
Photosensitive control (optional): module reserved position, the photosensitive control can be set, day or light intensity sensor. The photosensitive Control optional features not installed at the factory photoresistor. If necessary, please purchase separately photoresistor install it yourself.
The two trigger: L not repeated, H can be repeated. Jumper selectable, default is H.
A. nonrepeatable trigger mode: the sensor output high, the delay time has elapsed, the output automatically from high to low.
B. repeatable trigger mode: the sensor output high, the delay period, if human activities within its sensing range, the output will always remain high, the delay will be high until the people leave before level goes low (sensor module detected after every activity of the body's automatic postponed a delay period of time, and the last time activities as the starting point of the delay time).
4. Has induction blockade Time (default setting: 0.2 seconds): sensor module every sensor output (high to low), can be followed to set up a blockade of time, in this period of time the sensor is not receive any induction signal. This feature can be achieved both of the (inductive output time and the blocking time) interval can be applied to the interval detection products; This feature can effectively suppress the various interference generated in the process of load switching.
Wide operating voltage range: default Voltage DC5V to 20V
6 micro-power: quiescent current of 65 microamps, particularly suitable for battery-powered electrical products.
Output high signal: convenience and all kinds of circuit to achieve docking.