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18-02-2014, 17:01
Aukcja w czasie sprawdzania była zakończona.
Cena kup teraz: 91 zł     
Użytkownik GramyDalej_pl
numer aukcji: 3899855452
Miejscowość WARSZAWA - Marki
Wyświetleń: 6   
Koniec: 18-02-2014 16:48:31

Dodatkowe informacje:
Stan: Nowy
Wersja językowa gry: Angielska
Dodatkowe informacje: Folia
info Niektóre dane mogą być zasłonięte. Żeby je odsłonić przepisz token po prawej stronie. captcha


ModNation Racers is the newest installment to PlayStation's innovative Play, Create and Share genre. ModNation Racers is a thoroughly fresh take on classic kart racing that empowers the player to personalize their entire game. Players can express themselves by creating their own Mod character, styling their own racing kart and even building - in just minutes - an imaginative track that can be shared with the rest of the PlayStation community via the free PlayStation Network service. The easy-to-use editing studio tools make this creative process accessible to players of all levels. Not feeling creative? ModNation Racers presents a humorous story with a wealth of pre-made characters, karts, tracks and challenges for all players.
ModNation Racers is a PlayStation 3 exclusive Kart Racing game featuring all the track-based driving and comic combat players cherish in the genre, blended with extreme customization and user generated content expected of a modern online multiplayer title.In it players can expect exceptional kart handling and physics technology, including drifting, jumps and boosting and easy to master customisation options covering in-game racers, their karts and the tracks that are raced on. Accessible and Fun For racers, newcomers to video games or an aspiring game developer.Classic Kart Racing ActionExceptional kart handling and physics technology, including drifting, jumps and boosting.Fun Weapons Classic weapons and some crazy new ones.Create Your Own Track, Character and Kart Spend minutes creating or hours perfecting everything in the game.Story Mode, Rise up to become an elite racer in the humorous campaign. Online Community Race and rate other peoples creations and enjoy endless user generated content.Multiplayer Support ModNation Racers contains deep multiplayer support including 2-player local versus play, and 2-12 player online support.PlayStation Network Support Features include matchmaking, detailed stats and leaderboards, friends list management, communication tools, PlayStation trophies, etc.
Customized karting experience: Whether the player is a race car
driver, a newcomer to videogames or an aspiring game developer, they can show
their talents off in ModNation Racers. The power of creation is in the player's
Accessible creation tools: ModNation Racers includes easy creation tools
in the Track Studio, Character Studio and Kart Studio that allow the player to
design something comprehensive and fun in a matter of minutes. Players can
invest minimal time and enjoy basic creating, or they can invest more time and
make sure every lake, mountain, banked turn and power-up is placed perfectly
Classic kart racing action: ModNation Racers delivers exceptional kart
handling and physics technology on PS3 that makes for fast and fun racing.
Players can drift their karts around corners, boost for more speed, attack
opponents with weapons and interact with the world around them
Story campaign: The humorous story of ModNation Racers sees the player
rise up to become an elite racer. The narrative, tutorials, challenges, and
rewards reveal all the key features
Game modes: In addition to the Story Campaign, other single and
multiplayer player modes will let players show off their skills in varied
challenges with their favorite characters and karts
Extensive PlayStation Network options: Features include matchmaking
detailed stats and leaderboards, Friends List management, communication tools
Vinyl art style: Inspired by urban vinyl art, ModNation Racers sports a
stylish and attractive look and design for young and old players alike
User-generated content: User generated content in ModNation Racers will
keep this karting world fresh and alive so that every race is a new and fun
Vote for the best: Players can participate in the karting community in
ModNation Racers by voting on any creation as they view it and race it Attacking
and Offensive Driving - Winning the race is only half of the fun! Players can
use combat-like racing strategies to attack other karts with an array of
dramatic weapons. For those interested in focusing solely on racing, ModNation
Racers has a Pure Race mode
Trophy support: ModNation Karting supports a host of fun and challenging
trophies to collect along the way

Platforma PS3
Kategoria Wyścigowe
Producent Sony
Rok wydania 2012
Wersja językowa angielska

Nowe, zafoliowane


product_id: 13181;
Aukcja stworzona 2<span class=hidden_cl>[zasłonięte]</span>014-01 16:48:31 przez sklep oparty na systemie IAI-Shop.