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Modern Ireland 1[zasłonięte]600-19 by R.F. Foster

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Literatura w językach obcych, podręczniki językowe, słowniki...

Modern Ireland: 1[zasłonięte]600-19 by R.M. Foster

'R.F. Foster's account of Ireland from 1600 to 1972 is a dazzling description of that nation's tragedy, and of its resilience. Modern Ireland is late-twentieth-century history at it's very best... His pace is brisk, his analyses almost always plausible, his grasp of the relevant literature impressive and his literary style compelling'
Andrew M. Greeley, The New York Times Book Review

Table of Contents:

List of Maps
List of Tables
List of Figures

Part One
Prologue: Varieties of Irishness
Chapter One: 'Wild Shamrock Manners': Ireland in 1600
Chapter Two: 'Nationalism' and Recusancy
Chapter Three: Plantation: Theory and Practice
Chapter Four: Confederate Ireland
Chapter Five: Cromwellian Ireland
Chapter Six: Restoration Ireland
Chapter Seven: Shipwreck and Deliverance: The Foundations of Ascendancy

Part Two
Chapter Eight: The Ascendancy Mind
Chapter Nine: Economy, Society, and the 'Hidden' Ireland
Chapter Ten: The Structure of Politics
Chapter Eleven: Americans, Volunteers and the Politics of 'Patriotism'
Chapter Twelve: 'Enthusiasm Defying Punishment': Revolution, Republicanism and Reaction

Part Three
Chapter Thirteen: The Mobilization of Popular Politics
Chapter Fourteen: The Famine: Before and After
Chapter Fifteen: Ireland Abroad
Chapter Sixteen: Land, Politics and Nationalism
Chapter Seventeen: The Politics of Panellism

Part Four
Chapter Eighteen: The 'New' Nationalism
Chapter Nineteen: War and Revolution
Chapter Twenty: The Takeover
Chapter Twenty-one: In a Free State
Chapter Twenty-two: The de Valera Dispensation
Chapter Twenty-three: 'Modern' Ireland?

Proclamation of the Republic
Bibliographical Essay
Index of Subjects
Index of Names

Wydawnictwo: Penguin
Liczba stron: 825


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