People who have stopped reading the Bible or never
even read it before say about The Mirror, "I have never
read anything that touched me so deeply, it is a brand
new Bible, I cannot wait to give it to all my friends!"
The Mirror Bible is a paraphrase from the original Greek
text. While the detailed shades of meaning of every
Greek word have been closely studied, this is done
taking into account the consistent context of the entire
chapter within the wider epistle, and bearing in mind
the full context of Jesus as the revealer and redeemer
of the image and likeness of the invisible God in human
form, which is what the message of the Bible is all
about. To assist the reader in their study, I have
numerically superscripted the Greek word and
corresponded it with the closest English word in the
italicized commentary that follows. This is to create a
direct comparison of words between the two languages.
Many words used in previous translations have adopted
meanings in time that distract from the original
thought. Individual words can greatly influence the
interpretation of any conversation. For years deliberate
as well as oblivious errors in translations were
repeated and have empowered the religious institutions
of the day to influence, manipulate and even abuse
masses of people. Consider the word metanoia, consisting
of two components, meta, together with, and nous, mind,
suggesting a radical mind shift. This word has always
been translated as "repentance," which is an old English
word borrowed from the Latin word, penance. Then they
added the "re" to get even more mileage out of sin
consciousness. Re-penance. This gross deception led to
the perverted doctrines of indulgences, where naive,
ignorant people were led to believe that they needed to
purchase favor from an angry god. Most cathedrals as
well as many ministries were funded with guilt money.
The Bible is a dangerous book! It has confused and
divided more people than any other document. Scriptures
have been used to justify some of the greatest
atrocities in human history. People were tortured,
burned to death and multitudes murdered based on
somebody's understanding of the scriptures! Jesus, Paul
and believers throughout the ages faced their greatest
opposition from those who knew the scriptures. If it is
such a dangerous document, how does one approach the
book? The Mirror unveils the Incarnation Code as the key
that unlocks the mystery message of scripture. The
romance of the ages is revealed here.