Microsoft(R) Dynamics CRM 2011 Unleashed presents
start-to-finish guidance for planning, customizing,
deploying, integrating, managing, and securing the
newest version of Dynamics CRM. Authored by three
leading Microsoft Dynamics implementers, it illuminates
new opportunities to deploy CRM as a hosted service
(SaaS), integrate with Azure cloud services, and extend
CRM through Microsoft's new online service marketplace.
The authors systematically explain how Dynamics CRM 2011
works, illuminating why it works that way, and how to
drive maximum business value from it. Drawing on insider
knowledge of Microsoft's new product, they present clear
examples, proven best practices, and pitfalls to avoid
in using every significant Dynamics CRM capability.
Their far-reaching coverage ranges from Dynamics CRM's
sales, marketing, and customer service features to its
automated workflows; Outlook and Office integration to
reporting and security. This edition's extensive new
coverage includes new chapters on Mobility, the Outlook
Client, and Office 2010 integration, as well as greatly
expanded coverage of CRM Online.It also contains new or
expanded discussions of data visualization, SharePoint
Foundation integration, user interface changes, inbuild
charts, dashboards, IM and SMS communication support,
auditing, no-code workflows, connections, queues, the
new WCF-based programming model, UI scripting, and
security. |