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Michael Kenna: Mont St Michel

04-03-2012, 1:49
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Koniec: 10-03-2012 17:34:52
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KSIĘGARNIA ARTYSTYCZNA BOOKOFF | UL. ŁUCKA 14 | 00-845 WARSZAWA | TEL. (22)[zasłonięte]253 62 | KOM. 503 [zasłonięte] 126

Michael Kenna: Mont St Michel

Dane książki
ISBN 978-[zasłonięte][zasłonięte]00520
Oprawa Oprawa twarda
Ilość stron 84
Wydawnictwo Nazraeli Press
Język Angielski

Cena: 239.00 PLN (wystawiamy faktury vat)

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Księgarnia Bookoff przy ul. Łuckiej 14 specjalizuje się w książkach i albumach fotograficznych.
Tel. (22)[zasłonięte]253 62 lub 503 [zasłonięte] 126

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Pon-Pt, godz. 11-19
Sob, godz. 12-16

Księgarnia Muzeum Bookoff przy ul. Pańskiej 3 w Muzeum Sztuki Nowoczesnej. Specjalizuje się w dziedzinach którym poświęcona jest działalność Muzeum, czyli sztuce, projektowaniu graficznemu, architekturze oraz urbanistyce.
Tel. 512 [zasłonięte] 208

The small tidal island of Mont St Michel is situated just off the Normandy coast, connected to the mainland by a single causeway. Its abbey rises like a mirage, high above the sea, on this craggy, rocky perch. It is a spectacular sight, and one that Kenna has been drawn to many times over the years. By day, the island - a popular tourist destination - is alive with cars, buses, people, noise. It can seem a garish place. But at night, it becomes as originally intended: a place for peace, for prayer, for quiet contemplation. It is that gentler face of Mont St Michel that Kenna wanted to photograph and, after the crowds have gone home, he has been able to do so. Alone, he has climbed the bell tower, explored the crypts and chapels, and ambled along the silent lanes of the island. He has watched, totally undisturbed, as the light changed, shadows came and went, and clouds subtley floated this way and that. While his camera shutter was open for long, long exposures, Kenna cherished the silence, lost in his own private thoughts. He sees these photographs as a personal record of this time of solitary exploration; it is a record we are privileged to share. Kenna has dedicated this book to his father and, in a deeply affecting introduction, he describes the connection he feels between this solid, calm, inspirational place and his much-loved parent.