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MEKSYK przewodnik The Rough Guide to Mexico

27-06-2012, 4:13
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Koniec: 26-06-2012 07:11:40

Dodatkowe informacje:
Stan: Nowy
Okładka: miękka
Kondycja: bez śladów używania
Język: angielski
Typ publikacji: przewodnik
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Meksyk Rough Guide Mexico / 978[zasłonięte][zasłonięte]83648

Meksyk Rough Guide Mexico

Meksyk Rough Guide Mexico

Informacje dodatkowe:
Seria: Rough Guide Travel Guides
Typ przewodnika: Przewodnik tekstowy
Autor: John Fisher, Daniel Jacobs, Stephen Keeling, Zora O'Neill
Data wydania: 2010
Ilość stron: 912
Nr wydania: VIII
Format / mm: 130 x 198
Oprawa: Miękka
Waga / g: 605
Język: angielski
ISBN: 978-1-84[zasłonięte]-487-5
Edycja język: angielski
Rodzaj produktu: przewodnik

The Rough Guide to Mexico is the essential travel guide to this vast, extraordinarily varied country. From the deserts of the north to the tropical jungles of Chaipas; from ancient pyramids to Mexico City's sophisticated club scene; from colonial cathedrals to spring break in Cancún; the Rough Guide provides comprehensive coverage of it all. The guide offers detailed and practical advice on the best places to stay, where to sample some of Mexico's tastiest food and where to go to order the finest margarita for all budgets. The guide is packed with informed description of Mexico's archaeological sites and museums and their fascinating historical and cultural background.

Readers will find the coverage of hundreds of beaches, excursions and activities indispensable, while richly illustrated colour sections explore the wonders of Mexican cuisine and the country's dynamic festivals. Informative and inspirational, with dozens of maps, handy languages tips and site plans, The Rough Guide to Mexico is your essential companion to this vibrant, unforgettable country.

Make the most of your holiday with The Rough Guide to Mexico.

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Czy szukasz produktu:

- Fotografia - poradniki

- Globusy, globobarki: Nova Rico, Zoffoli

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