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Meinl Cajon WCAJ300NT-OV Woodcraft Cajons

15-11-2014, 18:07
Aukcja w czasie sprawdzania była zakończona.
Cena kup teraz: 673 zł     
Użytkownik winmar_pl
numer aukcji: 4780901010
Miejscowość Poznań
Wyświetleń: 2   
Koniec: 15-11-2014 17:33:11

Dodatkowe informacje:
Stan: Nowy
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Meinl Cajon WCAJ300NT-OV Woodcraft Cajons


Woodcraft Cajon 12" W x 19 1/4" H x 12" D

Having a solid resonating body that responds well with the playing surface to deliver full, rich tones and a deep bass spectrum is what takes these instruments to a higher musical and creative level. The Woodcraft Series Cajons from MEINL are constructed from carefully selected wood combinations that will transform your beats into a musical production of their own. Made in Europe with an all Birch resonating body featuring Birch or Ovangkol frontplate versions, these cajons are ultra-responsive with two internal snare wires and adjustable top corners that enable you to experiment with a wide array of sound options. All MEINL Woodcraft Series Cajons have a beautiful matte finish and a hot-branded logo.


    Anti-slip sitting surface
    Two internal snare wires
    Adjustable top corners
    Wide sound options
    Detailed with hot-branding logo
    12 mm plywood (11 layers)
    Full bass spectrum


    Frontplate: Ovangkol (Guibourtia ehie)
    Resonating Body: Baltic Birch (Betula pendula)


    19 1/4"

