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20-01-2012, 18:57
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MEINHOF "8 Drops Of Blood" LP

Najbardziej wyczekiwana płyta tej jesieni w końcu ujrzała światło dzienne! Prosto z tłoczni, pachnący drukarnią nowy materiał londyńskiego projektu dawnego gitarzysty takich grup jak Silna Wola, Guernica Y Luno. Śpiewająca basistka z Hiszpani, energetyczny, sprawny crust z niebanalnym przesłaniem. Nowa płyta pozostaje w klimacie poprzedniej produkcji, czyli opiera się na surowych hardcore d-beatowych brzmieniach, ale tym razem kapela zaryzykowała także trochę melodii.



MEINHOF to londyńska kapela, która swoją muzykę określa jako "extreme punk terror", a jej związek z polską niezależną sceną hc/punk bierze sią z tego, iż jej głównym motorem napędowym jest Crustboy, wcześniej udzieląjacy sią w SILNEJ WOLI, a także w GUERNICA Y LUNO.

MEINHOF is a raging anarcho punk band based in London, but with an international lineage (former members of OI POLLOI, SILNA WOLA and DISORDER). Musically they are insanely explosive thrash that is a lot like LOS CRUDOS or MIGRA VIOLENTA, but with powerful female vocals. This LP is an all around intense debut release.

MEINHOF: We all live in London, but we are not an English band anyways. And maybe our name, MEINHOF gives some suggestion, that we come from Germany... We are just the international threat. There are some doubts about or name, that comes from a German terrorist, Urlike Meinhof... We do not support Rote Armee Fraktion, as we do not support killing people in the name of any political or religious slogans... Killing people is our government's business, not ours. But sure we do understand reasons why the Baader-Meinhof gang started the war against the government and police in 70's, and we support the idea to resist the capitalist and fascist tendencies of any state with all our hearts. Our name, MEINHOF is just the name of band... We believe our music and message is pretty aggressive, then MEINHOF as the name fits well to our style... but again it doesn't mean, that we are Urlike Meinhof's fans. Just imagine if we call ourselves by the name like BAKUNIN or KROPOTKIN... we think it could sound pretty silly... We respect the ideas of XIX-century anarchist, but these ideas do not really suit our attitudes, and they do not suit a present reality. The world has changed. Anarchism has changed. Punk has changed. Only the system remains the same...

MUSIC: Sometimes people describe our music as "crusty punk" or "ear bleeding hardcore" or... But we say, that we play an "extreme punk terror" style... Our music has evolved from digital hardcore to punk sounds, and we do not call it by development. We are just coming back to our roots... In the late 90's, anarcho punk scene seemed to be in decline worldwide and all the revolutionary flames seemed to be burn out... We were looking for something new, something fresh, that could pump a bit of blood into the veins of the dead body. We went into underground electronic, but then we have realised, that people who take part in that scene are not the same revolutionary as their revolutionary, noisy and angry music. Those people say a lot about revolution and blah, blah, blah... but it seems they like to posing as some cool "revolutionists". Miserable! Anarcho punk scene constantly grows stronger and then declines... and the story repeats. Though punk is always a kind of real threat to the system, and this makes us loyal to punk, not underground electronic. As Digital Hardcore Commando MEINHOF we have recorded two albums: "Bring Chaos To Order" and "Way Of Death", and sure they are both digital hardcore style. Our previous album, "The Rush Hour Of Human Misery" was different from our first releases, however we used a drum machine to record kick, snare, hi-hats and cymbals. And we even played some shows with the drum machine, but our idea has turned into performing with a drummer. Finally we have found one, so it looks like our experiments with electronic sounds has come to its end...

LYRICS: When you look at our lyrics probably there is nothing new... They are still saying about problems, that are the same from ages... Well, is there a point to talk about same things again and again? We believe there is. And we are gonna talk about these things as long as it is necessary, and as long as we can't see that reality is changing for better. Opressions, fascism, racism, nationalism, police brutality, exploitation, prejudice, sexual abuse, fanatics, hypocrysy, lies, wars, conflicts and more horrible accidents... they are still here. Well, do we fucking have a reason to sing about girls, beer and football?

POLITICS: After 9/11 and 7/7 the situation has changed for all the people. In the name of war against terrorism, all the democratic countries announced war against their own citizens. Our previous album, "The Rush Hour Of Human Misery" starts withe the words: "Anyone who breaks the law in a way that may harm human life and breaks the law in pursuit of changing public opinion or state policy, can be deemed a terrorist" and this is what exactly is happening... Police spies muslim communities searching for some potential terrorist, and they arrest them with no particular reason. Next potential "terrorist" are all the immigrants, so the government's policy is to prevent them from coming to Britain, and to tighten the border as much as it is possible. Who's next? Maybe us? Maybe YOU? Yes, war againts terrorism covers the real aims of the government, which are to control and repress people more efficiently. And this is not about potential threat from Islam at all. This is about their struggle to control all of us, this is about protecting their system with the bullshit of democratic values. Our governments change the law to provide more and more power to police forces and secret police. UK evolves to a proper police state, so sure there are coming more repressions against free and independent people. In general, we see all these movements as opressions against the poor to protect the rich. And nobody asks for freedom anymore... Fucking why? Are the punks or anarchists the last ones who care?

ANARCHISM: We are not anarchist in the meaning of political actvists, who usually join some movements like Anarchist Federation or Class War. And there is no doubts, that the present anarchist movement is a marginal "party" with its "leaders" who wish to give us ready solutions for the most of existing problems. We do not think, that it is the best idea to make people happy with the ideas, that they do not understand. Rather let them live their lives. We see anarchism as an extreme personal experience, and the value we have to protect in our closest enivorment only... We are free anarchists, we are PUNK ANARCHISTS, and we have found the band being a kind of tool to spread our ideas. And this is not as much about anarchy anyway, this is more about freedom, in particular. Of course, we do not wanna turn MEINHOF into a political monster... because there is a time to fight, but there is a time to have a fun as well...

PUNK: There are only one sentence, that can describe what punk means to us. This sentence is: "PUNK means to see the things as they really are". Punk is our shield aginst the world of lies, hypocrysy and false prophets. Punk is the thing, that we love and hate at the same time. Isn't punk exciting?



1. From Protest To Resistance
2. We Are All, Desperate To Be Remebered
3. Hanging Around In An Anarchist Circle
4. Have We Lost Everything?
5. Exploitation Of The Beer Bellied Rebel
6. Tears In The Rain
7. For Freedom We Would Die
8. Ghetto Punk


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