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MEDIUM (SEASON 5) (5 DVD): Patricia Arquette

23-01-2014, 22:00
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Koniec: 21-01-2014 04:41:25

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Tytuł oryginalny: MEDIUM (SEASON 5) (5 DVD)

Obsada: Patricia Arquette, Jake Weber, Miguel Sandoval
Reżyseria: różni reżyserzy

Region: 2 PAL (Europa, Polska)
Języki: angielski
Napisy: brak

When others see nothing, she sees the truth.

Patricia Arquette returns as Allison Dubois, the psychic mum who tries to balance her challenging career with her family life at home. This season, a sense of order is restored when Allison returns to work with D.A. Manuel Devalos (Miguel Sandoval) and detective Lee Scanlon (David Cubitt). Plus, her husband Joe (Jake Weber) sets up his own company, funded by a multimillionaire.

But it's Allison's daughter Ariel (Sofia Vassilieva) - more than her younger sister Bridgette (Maria Lark) - who has trouble accepting the gift she inherited from her mother. This season, unsettling visions about school and boys trouble this psychic teen. In this 5-disc set of Medium: The Fifth Season - which includes all 18 episodes - Allison's life at home can be just as baffling as any police case.

Episodes Comprise:
1. Soul Survivor
2. Things to Do in Phoenix When You're Dead
3. A Person of Interest
4. ...About Last Night
5. A Taste of Her Own Medicine
6. Apocalypse... Now?
7. A Necessary Evil
8. Truth Be Told
9. All in the Family
10. Then... and Again
11. The Devil Inside, Part One
12. The Devil Inside, Part Two
13. How to Make a Killing in Big Business: Part 1
14. How to Make a Killing in Big Business: Part 2
15. How to Make a Killing in Big Business: Part 3
16. The Man in the Mirror
17. The First Bite Is the Deepest
18. The Talented Ms. Boddicker
19. Bring Me the Head of Oswaldo Castillo