Medieval Outlaws.
Teen Tales in Modern English
Ed. By Thomas H. Ohlgren
Sutton 1998
Stron XXIX+346
Tekst: angielski
Książka została wycofana z biblioteki: nalepka na grzbiecie, nalepki i pieczątki biblioteczne na stronie pierwszej i szóstej . Tekst bez plamek, podkreśleń. Stan dobry plus.
BILLY THE KID, Jesse James and AI Capone were all cnminals who robbed and killed, yet they were considered good outlaws, who were celebrated in sensational newspapers, newsreels and dime novels of the day. and later in film and television, for their daring, courage, loyalty and even chivalry. Our fascination with criminal heroes has a long history, extending back to legendary accounts in medieval chronicle, romance and ballad. While some medieval outlaws, such äs Robin Hood, Hereward and William Wallace, remain folk heroes to this day, others are less familiär: Earl Godwin, Eustache the Monk, Fouke fitz Waryn, An Bow-Bender, Gamelyn and William of Cloudesley have not been so enduring. All were driven to lives of crime äs victims of political intngue or legal injustice. They committed capital crimes punishable by death, but, paradoxically, were loved, encouraged and supported by their communities.
Here, for the first time, a single volunie gathers ten outlaw tales, ranging in date from the Norman Conquest to the sixteenth Century, providing fresh translations into modern English by established scholars. Introductions precede each selection and notes identify all the significant names, places and historical events mentioned in the texts. Accessible and highly entertaining, these tales will be of interest to the general reader and Student alike.
List of Plates vii
List of Contributors ix
Preface xi
Acknowledgements xii
Frequently Cited References xiii
General Introduction xv
l Timothy S. Jones
The Outlawry of Earl Godwin from the Vita jEdwardi Regis l
2. Michael Swanton
The Deeds ofHereward 12
3. Thomas E. Kelly
Eustache the Monk 61
4. Carter Revard
The Outlaw's Song ofTrailbaston 99
5. Thomas E. Kelly
Foukefitz Waryn 106
6. Stephen Knight
The Tale ofGamelyn 168
7 Shaun F.D. Hughes
The Saga of An Bow-bender 187
8. Thomas H. Ohlgren
A Gest ofRobyn Hode 216
9. Thomas Hahn
Adam Bell, Clim ofthe Clough and William ofCloudesley 239
10. Walter Scheps
From The Acts and Deeds ofSir William Wallace 253
Notes 289
Select Bibliography 327
Index 339
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