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meblarstwo RUSSIAN FURNITURE in the .... HERMITAGE

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Russian Furniture in the Collection of the Hermitage 

     Spis treści: 

1.    Deal arm-rliai r.  I ,ale scvcn leenl Ii eenlury
2.    Deal arm-rhair.  Kale seycn Irrnl li cciiliuv
.!.   Deal hoiuii willi him-owi- bark.  Early eighleenl li eenlury
1.   1'ainled labie. Early ciglilrenlli eeulury
5.  Oak tablc. Early eighlcctil li eenlurv
G.   Dcal cupboard witli oak doors.  Early cighteeuth. ccnliiry
7.    Pamled deal eabinel.  Karły eiglileenth cen tury
8.    Interior with early eighleenl li-cenliiry furniture
9.   Oak   chairs   willi   carvcd   hin.li   decorations.   Early   cighleenlli eentury
10, U.  Painled  labie (lig. 8).  Details of Ihe top. Archangel. Early
eighteenlh ccnlury
12.  State chan1 dci -ora led willi ^ildinjj. Early eighteenth eentury 1.3.   Beeclnood chair.  Karlv ciglileenl h centiiry :Ki.  Painted arm-chair. Early eiglilcciuli i-cnlnry 15.  Mirror iti a painted frame. Early cighlecnlh eentury l(i.  Gili eonsole labie. Early eiplitcenth eentury
17.   Corner  ehair.  japanned,  painted  with  gold.   First  quarter of eighteenth eentury
18.   Walnut chair.   1730's
19.  Painted chair. Mid-eighteenth eentury
20.   Walnut chair. Mid-eighteenth eentury
21.   Painted chair. Mid-eighteenth eentury
22.   Painled arni-chair.  Desigued by a  ma.sler of the cirele of Ras-Irelli. Mid-eighteenlh cenlury
23.   Painted chair. 1760's
24.   Painted sofa. Mid-eighteenth cenlury
25.   Painted sofa with carved and gilt decorations. Second ijuarter of eighteenth cenlury
26.  27.  Sofa deeorated willi gilding. Mid-eighteenth eentury. Sofa (Qg. 26). Delail of the back
28.   Painted and gilt cupboard. Mid-eighteenlh eentury
29.   Painted and gilt guerulon table. Mid-eighleenth century
30.  Mirror in a cnrved and gilt Iranie. Mid-eighteenth eentury
31.  Mirror in a carved and gilt frame. Second quarter of eighteenth century
32.  Mirror in a painted frame. Mid-eighteenth century
33.   Painted sofa. 1760's
34.  Painted arm-chair. 1760's
35.  36.  Commode  inlaid  with  different   uoods.  walrus   ivory  and metal. 1763-64. Top of the commodc (fig. 35). Detail
37, 38.  Writing-desk iulaid with walrus ivory. Kholraogory. 1760's. Writing-desk (fig. 37). Detail
39.  Steel table. Shansk. 1744
40.  Steel arm-chair with legs of X-shape. Tulą, 1743
41.   Ami-chair (Dg. 42). Detail
42.  43.  State chair of the President of the War Collegium. C. 1784. State chair (fig. 42). Detail
44, 45.  Painted and gilt arm-chair.  Execuled by Charlemagne to the design of Cameron. 1784. Arm-chair (fig. 44). Detail
46.  State chair of Alexander 1 as heir apparent. 1797-99
47.  Gilt state chair (copy ol the silver thronc). Executed by Meyer. 1797
48.  Gilt. state chair of the Grand Master of the Knights of Malta. Executed by Telesphor Bonaveri (?) to the design of Quarenghi. 1[zasłonięte]798-18
49.  Gilt stale chair of a bishop. Designed by Quarenghi. 1[zasłonięte]797-18
50.  Gilt stool. Designed by Quarenghi. 1[zasłonięte]798-18
51.  Gilt arm-chair. Lale eighteenth century
52.  Gilt arm-chair. 1795-99
,Ki.   t,ill  i-liair.   l.ali1 1'11,'hli'i'iilh cenimy
.Vi.   tiilt  a nn-i ha i r.  l.asl  ł|naiierol ei^hlcenlli crnlnry
55.    Painled chair and arin-rhair. I ,,-isl i j n.-i rl er of righ I cen I li cen tury
56.   Ciill ann-eliair.  l.asl qiiarler ol1 cigh leenl li cen! u rs-
57.    Painlcd and gili arm-chair.   End of eigli I cenili rciitury
58.    Paiuled and gili ann-cliair.   1780's
~i9, 60.   Painled lahle and I w o ann-t-hairs. Last q u ar ter of eigh leenl h
eenUiry. Table (fig. 59). Oclail 61. Painted and gili set lec. 1770's (52.   Drawiug-i-oom labie and cliairs, painled and gilt. Last quarter
oF eighteeulh cenlury
63.   Painted ehair. End of eighleenlh eenlury
64.    Painled ann-ehaii-.   End of eighli-en I li cenlnry
65.  Oli.  Painlcd ann-cliair.  liail  oC  eiglUcentli  cenlni-y. Arm-chair (Dg. 65). Dctail
67.  Two ileal cliairs and birch arm-chair. End of eighlecMilli centnry HS.   Dctail o! ihe ann-cliair. End of eighlcenlli cenlnry
69.  Steel screen table and arm-chair. Tulą. Table, 178;.). Arm-eliair, late eighteenth centnry
70.   Painted and gilt table. Last qnarter of eighteentli cenlnry
71.  72.  Table  willi  carvcd   and  gilt  decorations.   Last  quarter  of eighteenth cenlnry. Table (fig. 71). Detail
73.  Mirror in a gilt 1'rame. Last quavler of eighteenth century
74.   Mirror iii a gilt Iranie. Last quarler of eighteenth century
75.   Corner cupboard willi  inlaid  decoration.  Executed by Meyer. 1787
76.   Corner cupboard willi inlaid decoration.Exccuted by Meyer. 1787
77.   Cupboard (lig. 75). Detail
78.  Mahogany roll-top desk. Execuled by Meyer (?). C. 1790
79.   Table willi mlaid decoration.  Lale eighteentli century
80.  81.   Cylinder-top desk willi marquetry decoration and inlays in walrus ivory. Archangel. C. 1800. Desk (iig. 80). Del ad
82, 83.  Inlaid kidney  table.   Last  quarter  of  eighleenth   century.
Table ((ig. 82). Detail 84, 85.  Inlaid kidney table. Late eighteenth century. Table (fig. 84).
86.   Inlaid kidney table. Lale eighteenth century
87.   Inlaid kidney labie. Lale eighteenth century
88.  89. Inlaid card labie. Late eighteenth century. Table (fig. 88), unfolded
90.   Inlaid card table. Late eighteenth century
91.   Inlaid card table. Late eighteenth century
92.  93. Mahogany table with a brass plate inscribed with the name of the owner, T. V. Shlykova. Late eighteenth century. Table (Cg. 92). Dctail: water-colour uncler glass
94.   Mahogany table and chair with brass decoration. C. 1800
95.  Mahogany long-case clock with brass decoration. C. 1800
96.  Mahogany writing desk with brass decoration. C. 1800
97.  Mahogany   dressing   table   with   a   mirror;   brass   decoration. C. 1800
98.   Secretairc of Karelian birch with brass decoration. C. 1800
99.  Mahogany arm-chair. Late eighteenlh century
100.  Mahogany chair. Late eighteenth century
101.   Mahogany dressing-table with a mirror, decoraled with ebony inlays. C. 1800
102.  Dressing-table and arm-chair of poplar. C. 1800
103.   Bureau bookcase and chair of Karelian birch. C. 1800
104.   Chair of Karelian birch. C. 1800
105.   Drawing-room chair with a brass plate insci ibed with the name of the owner, T. V. Shlykova. C. 1800
.101).   l.liiiir of Ka.rrli.-in birch. (-. JSOO
.10/.   Mahogany sellcc and chair willi carvcd and gilt deeoralion.
108.   Mahogany chair. Early nineleenlh century J(l!).   Mahogany arin-ehair. Early ninel cenili ccnlury .1.11).   III.   Mahogany   anii-cliair.   Early  nineleenlh   ccnlury.   Arm-
cliair (lig.  1:10). Yicw 1'min ihe back 1:12.   I I,1.!.   iMahugany  cliair.   Early  ninelccnlh   ccnlury.   Cliair  (fig.
1.12). Delail lii.   I n 1 i-t-iiir  willi   gili   funiilm-c  dcsigned   by   Rusca  (?).   Pai-I   of
a   drawing-mom   scl.   ISO.i—(i.   CoYcrings   maleli   llic   lapesl-
nes on ihe walls.
115.   tlili chair 1'rom a di-;iwing-rooni scl. 1805—G liii.  Ciii ann-chair 1'roni a drawing-room set. 1805—6
117.   Arm-chair from a ili-awing-room set. 1805—6. Detaii
118.   Arm-ehair fmin a drawing-room set. 1805—6. Detail
119.   Mahogany arm-cliair. Early nineteenth century. Detail
120.   Mahogany arm-cliair. Early nineteentli century
121.   Arm-chair willi poplar back and clbow-rcsts of Karelian bii-cli. Early nineleenth century
122.   Mahogany arm-chair with Icgs of .-shape.  Early nineteenth cen Inry
123.   Gili console table. Early ninclcenlh century
124.   Painted and gilt chair. Dcsigned by Rusca. 1809
125.  126.   Mahogany arm-chair with painted and gilt deeoratinus. Early nineleenlh century. Arm-chair (Gg. 125). Uelail
127.   Mahogany arm-chair en gondole. C. 1800
128.   Mahogany arm-chair en gondole. C. 1800
129.   Set of drawing-room  furnilure. -with  a  sellcc  and ehairs en gondole. C. 1S 10
130.   Arm-chair (fig. 129). Sidc vicw
131.   Poplar   seLtee  and   arm-chair   of   Karelian   li C. 18:10
132.   Gabinet of Karelian birch. Early nineteenlh o.--
133.   Sel of drawing-room furnilurc. willi three cliaż -birchwood. C. 1820
13'l   Work labie willi a lop of Karelian birch a .ul y     .;
carcd Icgs. 1-^'irly nnielecnlh ccnlury
135.   Wrilintr lahlc of poplar. First quarter of nineteeniL. J3(.).   Ptiphu- arni-chair.  First Cjiiartcr ol nineteenth etntury liiy.   Painlcd and gili scllee. two arin-cbairs and chair frorr. a :.;,--
ing-rootn sel. Executed by Bauniann to thc design  -
138.   Sellee decorated witb gilding, from a draw ing-room set ni  .    ,.: . designed by Rossi
139.   1'ainlcd and gilt scllees from a drawing-room set of 1817 (of t!io kind   illustrated   iii fig. 138).   Execuled  by Baumann  l.o   Ih--design of Rossi
140.   Arm-cbairs from thc drawing-room sets of 1817—18. Excculcd by Baumann l.o ihe design of Rossi
141.   Painted and gilt console table. 1810's
142.   Poplar settee. C. 1820:s
143.   Mahogany arm-chairs. one willi gili decoralions.   IS20s
144.  145.   Mahogaiiy innsole labie willi gilt bron/.e decoral ions and insi-l caniciis u   ihe frieze. Execuled by Heinricb Gambs. 1809. Console labie (lig. 144). Detail
146. 147.  Mahogany cylinder-lop desk with gilt bronze decoralions.
Exceuted by Heinrich Gambs. 1815. Desk (fig. 14(i). Delail 148. 149.   Ebony console table. Executed by Heinrieh Gambs. Early
ninelecnlb century. Console table ((ig. 1*18). Delail
150.   Mahogany cupboard  with bronze  decoralions.   Execuled  by Heinrich Gambs. C. 1810
151.   Mahogany cupboard with  bronze  decoralions.  Execulcd  by Roentgen.Meyer, and Heinrich Gambs. 1786 — carly niuclcenili ct-n I urv
I.Y2, Mnhogan cahinel. Keeuled by I li-iiiricli (.; timl^s ( ?). C. ISlO 153. Mahogan eabincl. Ksccnlcd by lleinrich G a ni lis (IM. C. IS 10 I .Vi.   Wriling eabinel  |_ow ner T. Y. Shlyknva).  Execuliid   11 -   Ilein-
rieh Gninhs (?). 1800—1810
I .Vi.   Mahogany podesłał. Exeenled liy Ileinnch Ganibs.  C.   1810 ITili.   The   Winlcr   Pałace.   Memoriał    Uonin   of   Peler   ihe   Greal.
Designcd liy Monlfernuid. 1833.  Ucslorcd bv Slasow .18;!!) 157.   Silyer consnle  lalilo.   Kecnlcd  liy   lincli.   C.   18(10 !.)S.   Mahogans   bookcase.  Kirsl  (|uarier ol  nuieloeiil li oenlury l,i!   Mahngauy Itookease.   1'ii'sl iiiiarlei'01 nmel cen I h conliiry l(i(K   1'oplar ann-i -hair w 11 h i^ilt .broiize decora I lons. Itcst^ned by ;in
aroliileol ol lhe rircle ot Stasov. C. 1820 liii.  Poplar ehair. Dosignecl by a u arcliilerl nf ibe circlo of Slasos-.
C. 1820 162.   Cluusr-longlic. sofa  labie and   ibroe anii-ehairs  IVom a imdio^-
any   drawin^-rotnn    sel    ^ilb   eai^oi!   aml   gili    deeoralions.
1820's 1G3.  Avm-ehair ol Karehan liireh illi cawed aiul ^ill decorat ioiis.
lli'1.   1'oplar arm-rhair. 1820's-1830's lli.~i.  Ilill sofa. C. 1822
(Ci.   Table and ai'111-rbaii1 willi oerall liildniL!.  (  1822 1G7.   Round labie, sofa. lour ann-ebairs and rhairlrom a mabo^jiny
clrawjng-rooni set. 1840's 168.  Poplai1 settee and cbair. Exeenled by Peler Ganibs lo lus o n
design. 1830 109.   Walmil   labie and ( bair. E^eeuled  by Ernsl  Gainbs.  1830's
170.   Thi? Mabiebih- Tiooin in ibe Winlcr 1'alaee. Uesiyned by jMonl-ferraiul. 1830. Redesigued by Briullov. 1839
171.  172. Gilt  sofo.  Exeeuled by Petcr Gambs  lo  lhe design by Montferrand. 1830. Sofa (lig. 171). Delail
173.  Gili chaite-longiie. Execuled by PeLer Gambs lo ibe design of
Jldiilfei-raiul. 1830 17^1.  Slale ehair and  serecn.  carancl  and gili.  Execulecl ln' Pete;
Gambs lo lhe desipn nf L!riidlo-. 1830—3!). 175.   Painlcd eonsole lal)le and chair. Exeenled by Peler Gambs to
Ibe design oT Briullov.  I83C—:!!) 17G.   Caryed and  painlod siool.  Exeenled  by Peler Ganibs  to  ibe
design of Jirinllow J830—39
177.   jIahog~any wriling labie. Exeenled by Andn1^- Tonr. C. 1839
178.   Two mahogany chairs and a ^walnul. uluur. ExecnLed by Andrey Tour. C. 1840
179.   Rosewood   wnlmg   desk   ^^1111   bronze   decorations   nnd   msel porcelain panels. and a gili rbair. .Mid-nineleenlli reninry
180.   Rosewood cabinel and  sbelyes.  willi   bronze decorations and j ii se L porcelain panels. M id-nineleenl h cenimy
181.   Rosewood cn|il)oard  willi bronze deeoralions and insel porcelain panels. 18'iti
182.   Gilt eonsole labie. Designed by Slakensehneider (?).  C. 1846
183.   Gilt   sofa.   Execuled   by   liobkov   lo   tlie   design   of   Staken-schneider. 1850—51
184.   Gili easy chair and chair. C. 1853
185.   The Bondoir ni ibe ^^ mler Pałace. Designed by Hossę. 1853
186.   The Grcal Skylighl Room in lhe New Hermilage. Designed by Leo Klenze. 1850—52
187.   Gili table -willi a malachitc  top.  Exeenled by Ilgovcrnment eraflsmen:   Lo Lhe desigu of Khuize. 1851—52
188.   Gilt arm-chair. painlcd chair, mahogany chair. Executed by Andrey Tonr Lo the design of Klenze. 1850—52
189.   Cawed oak cbair and bench. 1913—14
190.   Cawed oak arm-chair. Exeeuled by Sliulov (?)   1870's-ISSCs
191.   Mahogany arm-ebairs.  Execuled al  lhe fnrnilurc faelory of Friedrich Melzer. Early nineteenlb cenlnry
192.   Mahogany arm-chairs.  Exceuted  al   the   fnrnilnrc  laeLory of Friedrich Melzer. Enrly nineteenlli cenlnry
193.   Set of fumiture for the Library in thc Wiater Palące. Executed at the fumiture factory of Fricdrich Melzer to the design of Robert Melzer. 1894
194.   Mahogany writing table and arm-chair. Executed at the fumiture factory of Friedrich Melzer to thc design of Robert Melzer. 1894
195.   Set of dining-room. furniture for the Private Dining-room in thc Wintcr Pałace. Exccuted at thc furniture factory of Fricdrich Melzer to the design of Robert Melzer. 1894.
On the half-title  page for the  chapter on Russian furmture-making in the eighteenth century:
Wedding  of   Peter   the Great   and  Catherine.   Engraving   by A.Zubov
On the half-title page for the chapter on Russian furniture-mnking in the early ninetecnth century:
Drawing-room m the country house of the Yusupovs. Water-colour by C. KolJman. 1830's
On the half-title jiage for tlie chapter on Russian furniture-making iii thc second half of the ninetcenth century: Dj-aw ing-rooin in thc ttrrsarskaya Shi ianka51 manor honsc. Oil on canvas. Mid-nincteenth century
On thc dust cover:
Table   and  fivc  arm-ebairs.   Tapestry  coyej^ings  madę  at tlie
Petersburg Tapestry Works.   1805 

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