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Meaning of Things [Audiobook] - A.C. Grayling
The unconsidered life is not worth living' Socrates. Thinking about life, what it means and what it holds in store does not have to be a despondent experience, but rather can be enlightening and uplifting. A life truly worth living is one that is informed and considered so a degree of philosophical insight into the inevitabilities of the human condition is inherently important and such an approach will help us to deal with real personal dilemmas.This book is an accessible, lively and thought-provoking series of linked commentaries, based on A. C. Grayling's 'The Last Word' column in the Guardian.Its aim is not to persuade readers to accept one particular philosophical point of view or theory, but to help us consider the wonderful range of insights which can be drawn from an immeasurably rich history of philosophical thought. Concepts covered include courage, love, betrayal, ambition, cruelty, wisdom, passion, beauty and death. This will be a wonderfully stimulating listen and act as an invaluable guide as to what is truly important in living life, whether facing success, failure, justice, wrong, love, loss or any of the other profound experience life throws out.
Autor: A.C. Grayling
Wydawnictwo: Orion Audiobooks
Rok wydania: 2005
Stron: 3h40min3CD
ISBN: 0-75[zasłonięte]-343-1
EAN: 978[zasłonięte][zasłonięte]28734
Format: 14,5/12,5cm
Język: angielski
Stan: nowa, nie używana
w magazynie Wrocław ul. Hubska 6 teren Dolkom - obok klubu Madness
Odbiory w godz. 11 - 17 od poniedziałku do piątku
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