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Maurizio Bianchi/M.B. & Maor Appelbaum

04-07-2015, 9:05
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numer aukcji: 5481068587
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Wyświetleń: 1   
Koniec: 04-07-2015 09:21:45

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Stan: Nowy
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Maurizio Bianchi/M.B. & Maor Appelbaum ‎– Mene Teqel Farsin 
Silentes Minimal Editions ‎– sme 1034
CD, Album
Dec 2009
Abstract, Industrial, Experimental
Tracklist 1 Numbered The Days 8:28
2 Weighed In The Balances 11:57
3 Kingdom Divided 16:10
4 The Handwriting On The Wall 22:57

Artwork – Afe Creative Laboratories, Andrea Marutti
Mixed By, Mastered By – Maor Appelbaum
Noises [Analog And Digital, Electroacoustic], Effects [Analog And Digital, Feedbacks], Performer [Mixers, Bad Cables] – Maor Appelbaum
Noises [Concrete Noises], Performer [Hertzian Waves], Loops [Neuro-loops] – Maurizio Bianchi
Photography By [Photos] – Siegmar Fricke, Stefano Gentile
Producer, Engineer, Music By – Maor Appelbaum, Maurizio Bianchi
Based on the book of the prophet Daniel, chapter five, verses from 25 to 28.

In the interatomic night between the 5th and 6th October of 3487 Annus Mundi, the intemperating Babylonian great power was astonishingly annihilated. Before that historical event, a mysterious message was written on a wall by a supernatural hand: "Mene Teqel Farsin". What is its meaning? To know it you should listen to this tensive work in which the scintillating reincarnations of planer sounds are magnetizing the irrecoverable mental disease of heretical consolidation.
Barcode and Other Identifiers
Barcode: 801[zasłonięte][zasłonięte]02717
Mould SID Code: IFPI ADD05
Matrix / Runout: 92511 www.gaved.it SME 1034 #1