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Matt Groening - The Simpsons Forever

13-03-2015, 18:02
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Koniec: 13-03-2015 17:43:50

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Matt Groening - The Simpsons Forever

Język angielski
ISBN 978[zasłonięte][zasłonięte]65316
Wydawnictwo Harper Collins
Rok wydania 1999
Autor Matt Groening
Tytuł The Simpsons Forever: A Complete Guide to Our Favorite Family... Continued
Oprawa miękka
Ilość stron 96
Stan używana, bdb-

It’s official! More cover-to-cover facts, figures and fun from the family we most love to love. This is the only official episode guide – in full Technicolor – to take you through the ins and outs of life in Springfield with The Simpsons.Homer is a safety inspector at a nuclear powerplant. He is a slob with a weakness for television. Some would even describe him as an addict. Homer is married to Marge, a woman obsessed with cooking programmes and her foot-high blue hair. They have three children: Bart, Lisa and Maggie.If you think you’ve just met a normal all-American family, think again. You’ve just met The Simpsons, stars of the BBC’s top-rated animated sitcom.The first bestselling episode guide was fantastic – but hold onto your donuts for part two. Picking up where volume one ended, this entirely new guide includes all the episodes from the past two seasons, plus material on the making of the show, and tantalising snippets of Simpsonia, including the best Homerisms, famous blackboard sayings and sofa gags. Outfit yourself with the conversational stylings and trivia know-how that will prove you the delight of social gatherings and summit meetings across the globe.

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