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Matt Groening - Bart Simpson's Guide to Life

13-03-2015, 18:14
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Koniec: 13-03-2015 17:43:53

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Matt Groening - Bart Simpson's Guide to Life

Język angielski
ISBN 978[zasłonięte][zasłonięte]71100
Wydawnictwo Harper Collins
Rok wydania 2000
Autor Matt Groening
Tytuł Bart Simpson's Guide to Life: A Wee Handbook for the Perplexed
Oprawa miękka
Ilość stron 188
Stan używana, bdb

The world’s most popular delinquent reveals all in this guide to the hard knock facts of life, out now in paperback.Written and illustrated by Matt Groening, the creator of The Simpsons, Bart Simpson’s Guide to Life is chock full of the kind of humour that keeps Simpsons devotees hooked to the show.Including such gems as Dr Bart’s Miracle Cures, Homer’s Dozen-Donut-A-Day Diet and the beauty secrets of Marge (‘Never pluck protruding nose hair, death may result. Instead, use a lightweight Weedwacker’) and Homer (‘The scent of chili dogs, onions and beer, when eaten in combination, makes women swoon’).With guest appearances by all the great Simpsons characters, including Lisa, Moe, Barney, Millhouse, Krusty the Clown, Groundskeeper Willie, Mr Burns and Smithers. Like the shows themselves, Bart Simpson’s Guide to Life has something to please all age groups and is so crammed full of fun that you’ll spot something new every time you read it.

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