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Na tej aukcji chcę zaproponować zakup angielskojęzycznej publikacji:
tytuł / title: MASTER OF MORHOLM
seria / serie:
redaktor / editor: TIMOTHY WILSON
wydanie / publication: 1986 Grafton Books
format / size: 16,5 cm X 23,5 cm
okładka / cover: twarda + kolorowa obwoluta
ilość stron / pages: 349
ISBN: 0[zasłonięte]246-127-5
typ / type: używana / used
stan książki / condision of book: bardzo dobry / very good (minimalne zagięcia obwoluty na narożnikach)
Opis treści / summary:
This is the story of the Hardwick of Morholm: of the passions, ambitions and aspirations that shape their lives. The security of their comfortable and affluent existence is shattered by the death of their patriarch, Joseph, and the arrival of their beautiful, orphaned cousin Mary. Gentle, naive and generous, she works as a catalyst on the introspective family circle. Her escape from misery and oppression and her perilous journey towards happines and fulfilment are charted with compassion and skill.
It is a time of upheaval, tension and recrimination for the Hardwick: George, attractive, unpredictable, unwilling to face the responsibilities forced on him by his inheritance; James, his ambitious younger brother; Julia, their sullen and bitter sister, and Kingsley, Daniel and Catherine, whose extravagant lifestyles can no longer be assured. Drawn into the tangled web of emotional conflict are handsome, charming Thomas Jarrett and sensitive Henry Milton. Superficial opulence and outward complacence barkey mask the seething turbulence beneath, as the tension become further complicated by love in many guises: idealistic and base; imaginary and real; unrequited and fulfilled.
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