Kubuk oferuje duzo wiecej ksiazek w jezyku angielskim! Royal Institution of Great Britain Voyage of the Challenger Eric Linklater Deadly Diseases Nick Arnold Alchemy and Alchemists (Pocket essentials: Ideas) Sean Martin The Crystal Desert: Summers in Antarctica David G. Campbell Immunological Tolerance Self Non-Self | Big Numbers Mary Gribbin, John Gribbin, Ralph Edney Stan: Good. Co to znaczy? PAPERBACK.t ISBN: 978[zasłonięte][zasłonięte]04643 Ile stron: 208 Okladka: Paperback Rok wydania: 2[zasłonięte]003-03 Rozmiar: 22.4x15.2x1.4 Waga: 322.1g Opis Big Numbers is a brilliant and imaginative book for 10 to 12 year olds which paints a fascinating picture of the comparative scale of phenomena in our world, from the vast to the infinitesimal. The reader is taken on a roller-coaster ride through maths, physics, chemistry, biology and technology: from zero to infinity in maths and time; from subatomic particles to galaxies; from the speed and size of the Big Bang to the size and age of the universe; from the speed of light to the power of gravity; from the size of a White Dwarf to that of a Black Hole; from a strand of DNA to the evolution of life on Earth; from the Hubble telescope to nanotechnology; Combining words and pictures in the way that has made Icon's highly acclaimed Introducing books famous, Big Numbers will fire the imagination of any bright youngster.
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Uwaga kolekcjonerzy: Podane szczegoly (poza ISBN i stanem ksiazki) sa generowane automatycznie. Istnieje mala szansa, ze wystapi w nich blad, wiec, jesli te szczegoly sa dla Ciebie wazne, skontaktuj sie ze mna przed zakupem. | |