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Marsilius of Padua, Defender of Pace średniowiecze

20-02-2015, 19:19
Aukcja w czasie sprawdzania była zakończona.
Cena kup teraz: 39.99 zł     
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numer aukcji: 5016526663
Miejscowość Wierzbica
Wyświetleń: 2   
Koniec: 20-02-2015 18:49:14

Dodatkowe informacje:
Stan: Używany
Okładka: miękka
Rok wydania (xxxx): 1967
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Marsilius of Padua

The Defender of Pace. The Defensor Pacis

Translated with an Introduction by Alan Gewirth

New York 1967

Stron XCIV+450, format: 14x20 cm

Książka używana, bez defektów. Stan dobry plus.

"In many respects this translation of one of the most important political tracts of the later Middle Ages is an achievement of the highest orderVery rarely has the reader the impression that he is confronted with a translation, and in some places one might even find that the original has been clarified." walter ullmann. History (London)

"Marsilio wrote when the old contest of empire and papacy was entering its last phase; from one point of view his was an anti-papal pamphlet after the old pattern, which reiterates much that is familiar from the literature of the preceding three centuries. On the other hand, the philosophical equipment (in spite of Marsilio's capacity for perverting Aristotle) and the Italian milieu which inspired him, combined with his radical anti-clericalism, made him seem up-to-date in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries; and it has been said (with some exaggeration) that every political thinker of that time had read him[The book's] place in the history of political thought is distinguished." c. n. l. brooke, Journal of Theological Studies

"Here we now have the first complete, really modern translation of the famous treatise into English. And the translation is good .observing both the sense and the letter of the Latin textGewirth has given us a fine English version of this fascinat­ing treatise." gaines post, The American Historical Review

'This translation is exemplary and without doubt will be recognized as the standard English edition of this Marsilian text. The evidence of discriminating and meticulous scholarship is present throughout. Thus his critical attention to earlier, partial trans­lations assures that the new edition benefits from as well as adds to the corpus of Marsilian studiesThe author's introduction is a model combination of critical scholarship and effective pedagogyModern issues are not forgotten in this analy­sis, and, without distortion of either set of issues, the discussion of the major Mar­silian themes effectively relates the text to modern, and recent, politics." thomas p. jenkin, The Western Political Quarterly




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