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26-01-2014, 17:15
Aukcja w czasie sprawdzania była zakończona.
Cena kup teraz: 18 zł     
Użytkownik napirek
numer aukcji: 3834516137
Miejscowość Mosina
Wyświetleń: 1   
Koniec: 26-01-2014 16:54:24

Dodatkowe informacje:
Stan: Używany
Okładka: miękka
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Oprawa: miękka 

 Stron: 452


 Stan: bdb


From a new and exciting talent, Mark W. Tiedemann, comes a fantastic new robot mystery set in the world of the late SF Grand Master and beloved author, Isaac Asimov.

The First Law of Robotics states that a robot may not injure a human being, or through inaction, allow a human to come to harm.

At a crucial conference uniting the Spacers, the Settlers, and representatives of Earth, Senator Clar Eliton of Earth and Senior Space Ambassador Galiel Humadros of Aurora are advocating the restoration of positronic robots on Earth, repudiating years of fear and resentment. It is a dangerous stance to take.

As the Spacer delegates arrive on Earth, conspirators assassinate Sentor Eliton. Ambassador Humadros is cut down, too. Both are failed by their robot protectors.

Special Agent Mia Daventri?part of the security force assigned to protect Eliton?is the only member of her team to survive the attack, and is rushed to the hospital.

Derec Avery?a survivor of the Robot City epic?is called in to investigate what may have caused the robot bodyguards to fail at the most critical hour. But his inquiries are stone-walled, and an attempt is made on Mia's life. Derec and Mia join forces with Calvin Instititute attache Ariel Burgess to penetrate a vast conspiracy that sprawls across Terran, Spacer, and Settler worlds and threatens to bring all three to the brink of war.


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