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18-01-2012, 10:33
Aukcja w czasie sprawdzania nie była zakończona.
Cena kup teraz: 149 zł     
Użytkownik musicmaestro
numer aukcji: 2044988327
Miejscowość Warrenpoint, Wielka Brytania
Wyświetleń: 8   
Koniec: 18-01-2012 10:33:51
info Niektóre dane mogą być zasłonięte. Żeby je odsłonić przepisz token po prawej stronie. captcha


This film sets out to do the same with Maria Callas' art and life. It is a resurrection of the diva which brings back to life the period of the great Callas: The one at La Scala in the 1950s for which no footage remains. The original dresses still exist. They provide a real evocation and are the product of patient work conducted together with la Scala: photos (Erio Piccagliani), sketches of sets, the opera itself and the stage everything is brought together to conjure up the great Callas. In this film, Anna Bolena, La Sonnambula, and Don Carlos operas of which no footage remains will come back to life for the first time. It is a resurrection of her life and its meaning, as each document blends into a single story. For example, the archive footage of Maria Callas, jostled by the crowd, on the red carpet at the 1960 Cannes Festival, with flash bulbs popping on all sides. It shows a woman who, 5 weeks earlier, had just buried her son. A baby she gave birth to in absolute secrecy and who died 8 hours after being born. The star who looked triumphant at Cannes would never again be a mother. Her glory conceals the dazzling death of happiness. Richer and more poignant than fiction, this true story is the film about Maria Callas that everyone has been waiting for. Many of the scenes from her life, the photos, and amateur movies are being shown for the first time ever.

Obsada: Maria Callas
Reżyseria: Erio Piccagliani

Czas: 97 minut
Region: B (Polska)
Języki: włoski, angielski
Napisy: angielskie

Dodatki: brak

Stan: perfekcyjny (nieużywana, oryginalna)