Both entertaining and informative, "Manga Impact" is a vibrant guide to the fascinating world of manga (Japanese comics) and anime (animation). Like Phaidon's best-selling compendium "The Art Book", it acts as an easy-to-use directory on its subject, guiding readers through the very best and brightest work in this hugely popular area of cultural production. Existing in their present form since the mid-twentieth century, manga comics are read widely in Japan, by people of all ages. This rich and varied medium embraces many genres, including romance, horror, comedy and fantasy, and has achieved global popularity. Similarly, its animated counterpart, known as anime, is enjoyed by millions outside of Japan in the form of television series like "Pokemon and Doraemon", films (including the Oscar-nominated "Spirited Away") and video games, from Super Mario to Final Fantasy. "Manga Impact" consists of 350 single-page entries, arranged alphabetically, introducing the most important directors, producers, writers, animators and characters in manga and anime, from its origins to the present day. Lavishly illustrated with photographs, film stills, drawings, posters and much more, these entries provide accurate, insightful analysis of individuals and their works, as well as crucial details - production information, series duration and title translations - on the reader's favourite films and series. The history and cultural significance of manga and anime are also explored, in fifteen in-depth illustrated essays included alongside the main entries. These absorbing thematic studies ensure that "Manga Impact" is relevant to general readers and experts alike; an accessible and beautiful addition to any savvy consumer's collection. This title is presented with texts by Philip Brophy, Carlo Chatrian, Jonathan Clements, Jordi Costa, Luca Della Casa, Stephane Delorme, Davide Di Giorgio, Daniele Dottorini, Stefano Gariglio, Paul Gravett, Erwan Higuinen, Fabrizio Liberti, Helen McCarthy, Fabrizio Modina, Giona A. Nazzaro, Grazia Paganelli, Maria Roberta Novielli, Gianni Rondolino, Michel Roudevitch, Mario A. Rumor, Stephen Sarrazin, and David Surman