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Malerie Marder: Carnal Knowledge

30-10-2014, 14:39
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Koniec: 30-10-2014 14:40:54

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Malerie Marder: Carnal Knowledge

Malerie Marder is one of the first practitioners of a style of high-colour photography that came out of Yale in the late 1990s, where Katy Grannan and Justine Kurland were her contemporaries under the tutelage of Gregory Crewdson, who contributes a preface here. Debunking the myths that have developed around this group, this book tells the story of Marders first commissioned shoot: how a friend invited Malerie to photograph her with her lover, naked and in the anonymous setting of a motel room. This seminal experience set the tone of Marders work for the next decade, her nudes depicting emotional nakedness and vulnerability in relationships. This beautifully illustrated book is the first to bring these works together and to bring Marder to a wider audience.
Stan Książka nowa
Autor Malerie Marder
Gregory Crewdson
ISBN 978-[zasłonięte][zasłonięte]08283
Oprawa Oprawa twarda
Wydawnictwo Violette Editions
Wymiary 30.7 x 2.5 x 24.9 cm
Język Angielski
Rok wydania 2011
Ilość stron 176
Aukcja stworzona 2<span class=hidden_cl>[zasłonięte]</span>014-09 14:40:53 przez sklep oparty na systemie IAI-Shop.