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Na tej aukcji chcę zaproponować zakup angielskojęzycznej publikacji:
tytuł / title: MADAME BARBARA
seria / serie:
autor / author: HELEN FORRESTER
wydanie / publication: 2000 HarperCollins
format / size: 11 cm X 18 cm
okładka / cover: miękka, kolorowa
ilość stron / pages: 486
ISBN: 0-00-[zasłonięte]348-4
typ / type: używana / used
stan książki / condision of book: dobry / good (minimalne zagięcia na okładce; niewielkie ślady zacieku w dolnej partii kilku ostatnich stron)
Opis treści / summary:
A wonderful new novel from Liverpool's best-loved author. A tale of loss and love set in post-Second World War England and France.
This is the story of a young Liverpool woman widowed in the Second World War before she can know the happiness of having a family. With the blessing of her mother, with whom she runs a B&B, she goes to Normandy to see where her husband was killed in the D-Day landings. Once she is there, she meets an impoverished French poultry farmer, now reduced to driving a beaten up (and still rare) taxi and looking after his old mother and dying brother. Will these two find happiness together?
A touching love story, a compelling portrayal of the aftermath of war and above all a testament to the courage and endurance of oridinary people, Madame Barbara will delight Helen Forrester's countless fans.
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