Eight minibooks thoroughly cover the newest Mac
operating system--Mac OS X Lion Macs continue to gain
market share, and Mac OS X Lion is expected to draw even
more converts as it adds the magic of some of your
favorite iPad and iPhone features to the legendary power
of the Mac. This easy-to-follow guide to Mac OS X Lion
features eight self-contained minibooks covering every
phase of navigating, customizing, and expanding Mac OS X
Lion; the iLife and iWork applications; maintenance and
troubleshooting; Internet activities; and much more. Mac
OS X Lion All-in-One For Dummies is ideal for those
switching to a Mac, anyone upgrading from an earlier
version of Mac OS X, beginning Mac users, and
experienced users looking for a more comprehensive
reference.Minibooks include: Introducing Mac OS X,
Customizing and Sharing, the Digital Hub, Using iWork,
the Typical Internet Stuff, Networking in Mac OS X,
Expanding Your System, and Advanced Mac OS X Covers Mac
OS X Lion basics, using the Finder and Spotlight,
customizing the desktop, setting up multi-user accounts,
working with the Address Book and Apple Mail, and using
the amazing iTunes, iLife and iWork applications
Highlights the new features of Mac OS X Lion showing
readers how to find and download apps from the Mac App
Store, organize their desktop with Launchpad and Mission
Control, take advantage of full-screen apps, and more
Features advanced advice on using AppleScript,
troubleshooting your system, staying secure, and setting
up a network You'll tame your Lion in no time with this
book and a little help from For Dummies . |