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M2Tech HiFace EVO -interface USB-SPDIF I2S 24/192

02-08-2012, 9:06
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Koniec: 16-07-2012 11:55:59

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GFmod Audio Research - DAC M2Tech Young




M2Tech HiFace EVO


Z galwaniczną izolacją wejść, stabilnym zasilaniem typu shunt, wszystkimi możliwymi rodzajami wyjść cyfrowych: Coaxial, BNC, AES/EBU, Optyczne Toslink i ST, I2S i możliwością podłączenia World Clock (Evo Clock)


Zaprojektowane, produkowane i testowane w M2Tech we Włoszech, a nie w Chinach



Już od 100zł miesięcznie







Zestaw M2Tech HiFace Evo + Evo Supply + Evo Clock na highfidelity.pl








TEST w Audio Video






"Jeśli chodzi o mnie, to zakup okazał się brzmieniową rewelacją i oszczędziłem w stosunku do ceny 1600$ za interfejs BADA USB, który byłbym zmuszony kupić, gdybym nie zainwestował w M2Tech.(...)"






Firma M2Tech jako jedna z pierwszych opracowała asynchroniczny interface, które zrewolucjonizował PC Audio.

Uwalnia od stosowania prostych kości PCM27xx i 29xx, w które zazwyczaj wyposażone są DACi z interfacem USB.
Ograniczają one strumień do 16bitów 55kHz, nie pozwalają na korekcję błędów transmisji i po masie kabla przekazują zakłócenia z komputera na DAC.

HiFace zdjął ograniczenia i umożliwiał transmisję w pełnym 24/192, mało tego umożliwiał zwalczenie jittera przez zmianę organizacji "ruchu" danych i retaktowanie ich własnym, bardzo precyzyjnym zegarem, bo nie chodzi tylko o to, aby dane dostarczyć bez przekłamań (bit-perfect), ale również ważne jest aby trafiły do DACa w ściśle określonym czasie!
Pomyślano jeszcze o jednym problemie - o zakłóceniach, których znaczącym źródłem jest naszpikowany elektroniką komputer. HiFace został wyposażony w transformator separujący przez co żadne śmieci przedostawały się już po zasilaniu do DACa.



 HiFace Evo

Znacznie podniósł poprzeczkę zarówno pod względem jakości, jaki i funkcjonalności.
Zasilany jest bowiem z zewnętrznego zasilacza, a dodatkowo stabilizowany wewnątrz, osobno dla najważniejszych układów przez ultra niskoszumne stabilizatory typu shunt.

Dla precyzyjnej elektroniki pracującej z ogromną częstotliwością najmniejsze zakłócenia w zasilaniu potrafią sprawiać spore problemy, dlatego czystość zasilania jest tak ważna.


HiFace Evo wyposażony jest w usprawnione układy transmisji i redukcji jittera, w dwa zegary, ekranującą obudowę i komplet wszelkich wyjść cyfrowych.
Można podłączyć DAC przez wyjście coaxial, BNC, optyczne, ale również profesjonalne AES/EBU, I2S i światłowodowe ST (jedno z najlepszych rozwiązań, znanych z telekomunikacji).
Wszystkie wyjścia są oczywiście izolowane transformatorowo (z wyjątkiem optycznych i I2S)






EVO Clock - Master i Worl Clock





Porównanie HiFace i HiFace EVO:

"The HiFace was fast, impressive, detailed, open and airy but ultimately I found it less engaging than the EMU. The Evo is a different story: even during the first track it was already clear that this was a different animal.

The sound was big, airy, fluid, fast, rhythmic, focused and very open yet there was no clinical quality to the sound at all. The sound just captivated me and made my foot tap.

To make the comparison complete, I went back to the original HiFace. I knew that it sounded somewhat thin but at least it was open and airy. Imagine my surprise then when it turned out to sound downright disappointing. Its sound was very grey and not at all as open and airy as the new Evo. Sure it was correct: fast, precise and detailed. But it totally lacked the full musicality that the Evo provided. Also it was more narrow in focus and lacked the wide soundstage that the Evo does so well.

In short: it was no comparison and it was hard to imagine that these two products were even related.

W skrócie: Nie ma porównania między HiFace i HiFace EVO. Nawet ciężko sobie wyobrazić, że te dwa urządzenia są ze sobą powiązane"









hiFace Evo by M2Tech is the new statement in high quality computer audio interfaces. Hosted in a compact and stylish aluminium case, hiFace Evo is capable of flawlessly transfer audio data up to 192kHz, 24 bits to virtually every DAC or A/V receiver around, thanks to its comprehensive outputs set. hiFace Evo incorporates the same leading edge technology as the classic hiFace – with some plus. Asynchronous operation up to 192kHz is used in conjunction with proprietary drivers which allow for Kernel Streaming, Direct Sound and WASAPI operation (the latter under Windows vista and 7). Windows and Mac drivers are already available. Very high precision, very low phase noise (jitter) crystal oscillators are used.

To further improve their performance, they have a dedicated shunt voltage regulator which ensures a very low noise and spurious-free supply. hiFace Evo is powered by an external power supply (not included), to avoid the dirty USB bus supply from negatively affecting

hiFace Evo’s performance. Linear regulators are used all around, to allow all jitter-sensitive digital circuits to operate at their best. Also, a low-pass filter is provided at supply input to further reduce any bad influence from the supply. hiFace Evo can be powered by an external wall adapter (9V 1A will fit), or with a 9V alkaline battery, or with a 7.2V/10.8V Lythium battery.

Several outputs are available at the same time: coax on RCA, coax on true 75 Ohms BNC, AES/EBU on male XLR, optical on Toslink™ (Toslink™ is guaranteed to operate up to 96kHz, though we got operation up to 176.4kHz on certain setups), optical on ST (for high-speed operation up to 192kHz and up to 1.6km or 1 mile), straight I2S for direct connection to DIY DACs on RJ-45 (NOT plug-in compatible with NorthStar products!). All outputs, except straight I2S, are galvanically isolated (coax and AES/EBU via a pulse transformer). AES/EBU output can be set to professional or consumer mode by an internal jumper.

In addition, an input for an external clock is available, for those who have a extremely precise and stable clock generator to be used with hiFace Evo. hiFace evo automatically recognizes the presence of the clock on its input and switches on it whenever available. This input is also galvanically isolated via a pulse transformer. Three LEDs indicate power, external clock presence and incoming data from the PC. Connection to the PC is via a type B female USB connector.








1) LOW JITTER, LOW PHASE NOISE, HIGH STABILITY OSCILLATORS Most audio interfaces and USB-provided DACs refer the data stream clock to the same USB interface clock, that often suffers a very heavy jitter (short range oscillator frequency variations). Thanks to two quartz precision oscillators used on M2Tech hiFace, clock source for output data stream features a very low jitter. A more stable clock is recovered by DAC S/PDIF receiver; a low jitter produces a very limited sound image distortion and degradation. Phase noise (main responsible for jitter) is also very low: this guarantees a short and long range clock stability, also reinforced by a board supply voltage regulation (e.g. at environmental temperature stability is 2-5ppm approximately, compared to 50-100ppm performed by oscillators normally used on commercial CD players).

The standard audio drivers available on the market (e.g. Microsoft Windows operating system) dictated constraints can be overcome thanks to hiFace proprietary drivers: they allow for transferring audio data, maintaining the original file quality without any loss of resolution quality; also, sampling frequency constraints are overcome, while Microsoft and ASIO drivers oblige to operate at no more than 96kHz. When hiFace is used together with a player application such as FooBar (available for free on Internet), you can transfer S/PDIF stream music files to a D/A converter at 192kHz/24bits maximum frequency/resolution, avoiding undesired PC or MAC audio mixer data processing during the data transfer from hard disk to interface. Presently, Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7 drivers are available, as well as Mac drivers for 10.4, 10.5 and 10.6.


M2Tech hiFace features a very compact size and can be directly (or using an accessory USB A-A adapter, not supplied with hiFace) connected to a High Speed USB 2.0 port of any computer. A very high electric and mechanical performance RCA gold connector provides an output signal, ready to be connected to a Hi-End system. No external power supply is required, as hiFace draws its power from USB bus itself and regulates it with its internal regulators. hiFace USB interface connected to a last generation mini PC provided with a High Speed USB port makes for a complete music transport system at very low prices (in the range of few hundreds Euros). Such system allows for listening any density and resolution music files, playing own CD's using a CD ROM drive, obtaining access to more than 10,000 web radio, many of which broadcast their transmissions with CD quality.




Nagrodzone za innowacyjność:

M2Tech  Nagroda za innowacyjność




GFmod Audio Research - dystrybutor M2tech na Polskę








Size: 105x46x104mm (w x h x d, case) 105x50x142mm (w x h x d, total)
Weight: 380g
Sampling frequencies (kHz):
44.1, 48, 88.2, 96, 176.4, 192
Resolution (bits):
16 to 32
USB 2.0, supply, master clock


optical Toslink™
optical ST
I2S (RJ-45). Supply voltage:
7-11VDC (15VDC max.)
Supply current:
140mA (idle, no output connected)
Master clock input voltage:
I2S output voltage:
LVCMOS (3.3V) with 25mA current capability on each line





2 letnia polska gwarancja GFmod Audio Research.

W tym 1 rok gwarancji producenta





















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