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Lynda La Plante x 3 Red Dahlia Royal Flush Cruelty

19-01-2012, 19:03
Aukcja w czasie sprawdzania była zakończona.
Cena kup teraz: 6.90 zł     
Użytkownik aserd
numer aukcji: 2042469232
Miejscowość Chełm
Wyświetleń: 6   
Koniec: 17-01-2012 12:43:07

Dodatkowe informacje:
Stan: Używany
Okładka: miękka
info Niektóre dane mogą być zasłonięte. Żeby je odsłonić przepisz token po prawej stronie. captcha


Dzisiaj do sprzedania mam książki  'The Red Dahlia' 'Royal Flush &Sleeping Cruelty' autorstwa Lyndy La Plante.
Książki mają 485 i 1100 stron, a ich stan określam na BDB- i DB+


The Red Dahlia
First things first you need to read Above Suspicion before reading this book as the 2 lead roles have an ongoing story between the 2 books. After I read the first I was so pleased to see this book out on the shelves. I read it within 1.5 days. I couldn't put it down. Everywhere I went it was with me!. Lynda once again grips you from the start and leaves you crying out for more. I hope there will be a 3rd installment for these 2 detectives. So well written, a sinister crime story well told.
Top marks

Royal Flush

High adventure, furious plotting, blackmail and betrayal...'The Colonel' is rumoured to have masterminded several of the most successful robberies in the UK over the last forty years. But who is he? Edward de Jersey, now a wealthy man, owns a very successful racing yard and stud farm and his pride and joy is his horse, Royal Flush, who he has always dreamed will one day win the Derby. But de Jersey's luck runs out when his trusted financial advisor invests his fortune in a fledgling internet company which goes bust, leaving de Jersey with no capital and mounting debts. In danger of losing everything, De Jersey resurrects his criminal past, turning to the internet to find a team of specialists who will help him pull off the most audacious heist in history.

Sleeping Cruelty

Fabulously wealthy entrepreneur Sir William Benedict has always dreamed of being accepted amongst society's elite, despite his working class roots. When fast-rising Tory MP Andrew Maynard enters his life, William suddenly finds that he has gained the social status that he has always craved. But when a political scandal erupts around him, William is shunned by the socialites he once called friends, and his reputation is left in tatters. Now the worm is ready to turn...With the help of the wild and enigmatic Justin Chalmers and his exquisite yet reclusive sister Laura, William's island paradise will become the scene of his revenge.


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