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LP MATS GUSTAFSSON Swedish Azz - azz Appeal

06-02-2014, 13:25
Aukcja w czasie sprawdzania była zakończona.
Cena kup teraz: 74.99 zł     
Użytkownik tune_up
numer aukcji: 3863406116
Miejscowość Kraków
Wyświetleń: 5   
Koniec: 06-02-2014 12:43:32

Dodatkowe informacje:
Rok wydania (1900 - 2050): 2011
Stan: Nowy
Rozmiar płyty: 12 cali
Obroty: 33 rpm
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    Koszt przesyłki na terenie Polski jest stały, niezależnie od ilości kupionych płyt.



Wydawca: NotTwo MW 857-1
Rok wydania: 2011

                MATS GUSTAFSSON
            Swedish Azz - azz Appeal

1. Side A: Full opus 3 - Fånerier, nr 8 - Full opus 4 / PH Wallin [08:30]
2. Side A: Karl- Bertil Jonsson 14 år / G Svensson [02:30]
3. Side A: Lidingö Airport / B Nilsson + Visa från Utanmyra / trad-Jan Johansson [10:30]
4. Side B: Hugin och Munin / G Riedel + Fedja / L Gullin [16:05]
5. Side B: Elysium / L Werner [06:08]

Mats Gustafsson - alto, baritone, slide saxophones, live-electronic
Per- Ake Holmlander - tuba, cimbasso
Kjell Nordeson - vibes
Dieb13 - grammophone, live-electronic
Erik Carlsson - drums

New group by Mats Gustafsson and Per Åke Holmlander, consisting of five European improvisers loving, respecting, and playing the swedish jazz masterpieces from the 50´s and 60´s.
The Golden Age of Swedish Jazz happened in the mid 50´s, as we were told, and was represented by some very distinct and personal voices that were all taking their main inspiration from the American West Coast Jazz, but transforming it into a swedish colour and language, also including elements of traditional Swedish Folk Music.
Lars Gullin, Jan Johansson, Bernt Rosengren, Georg Riedel, Lars Werner, Berndt Egerbladh and later Per Henrik Wallin were all part of this movement and we just LOVE this music!
Swedish Azz wants to explore the possibities to use these wonderful and strongly lyrical melodies and put them in a contemporary structure and soundscape. We want to find out, or at least try out, what will happen when you put these melodic lines in connection with a.o. live electronics and experimentation in form, using the freedom of improvising freely.

Płyta winylowa nowa, foliowa koperta na okładce. Tłoczona w USA.