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Proszę o zapoznanie się z zasadami obowiązującymi w moim sklepie na stronie "o mnie"
Oprawa: miękka
Stron: 308 (zawiera zdjęcia)
Stan: bdb-
Catch the sunrise from the Caribbean's highest peak, dance in Spanish colonial streets during Carnival, glide through mangrove forests in search of gentle manatees - or find that deserted beach with pure white sand and clear blue seas. This essential guide will help you discover the many faces of this island paradise. Get Active with our comprehensive coverage of the island's adventure sports, from hiking up Pico Duarte to world-class kiteboarding at Cabarete. Live Like A Local - discerning eating and entertainment listings show you where to get the best pastelito and catch the latest baseball game. Relax & Recharge in the best all-inclusive resorts or away from the crowds in a bungalow on the beach. Plan The Perfect Getaway with dedicated itineraries, including beach-hopping, national parks and the highlights of Santo Domingo. HABLA ESPANOL with the help of our practical Spanish language chapter.