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Lifeparticle Meditation: A Practical Guide to Healing and Transformation




Author: Ilchi Lee
Language: English
Publisher: Best Life Media
Publication Date: 15 Feb 2014
Dimensions: 1.8 x 14 x 21.6 cm
Format: Paperback
Pages: 288
Condition: NEW
Product_ID: 19C51B7594



All of us and everything around us are made of elementary particles of energy. Not only is your body made of these particles, which author Ilchi Lee has dubbed LifeParticles, but so is your consciousness. When you view the world as LifeParticles through meditation, you take on the consciousness of that fundamental level. It's one of oneness, vastness, and limitless creative potential-the consciousness that has been achieved by meditation masters for centuries. With that consciousness, you can use LifeParticles, and what you picture becomes reality with the added power of your focused action. You are naturally a creator, says author Ilchi Lee. It's who you are. Lee brings the ultimate meditation state of the masters to you in a simple and accessible way. A meditation book like no other, LifeParticle Meditation provides targeted visualization techniques for waking up your mind's abilities and making the changes you want in your life. Rather than being dragged by life's inevitable flow of change, the meditations and ideas in this book allow you to understand, manage, and direct that flow. Join Ilchi Lee and thousands of other LifeParticle Meditation practitioners in using LifeParticles to: *improve your health *strengthen your relationships *make better choices *give and receive more love *experience profound self-transformation *manifest your dreams and desires *help society and the planet Based on a lifetime of meditation experience, with examples from the realms of science and spirituality and stories from practitioners of LifeParticle Meditation around the world, Ilchi Lee opens up for you a new world of LifeParticles-a world of wonder, creativity, love, and peace.




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