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06-05-2015, 2:48
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Użytkownik Failte_Eireann
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Wyświetleń: 15   
Koniec: 06-05-2015 02:51:19

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Stan: Nowy
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Wydanie oryginalne w idealnym stanie, nieużywane, zazwyczaj zafoliowane







UWAGA !!! Filmy bez polskich wersji językowych !!!


Tytuł oryginalny: LIFE ON EARTH (4 BLU RAY) BBC



Product details:


Actors: Sir David Attenborough

Producers: Richard Brock, John Sparks

Language: English

Subtitles For The Hearing Impaired: English

Region: Region B/2

Aspect Ratio: 4:3 - 1.33:1

Number of discs: 4

Classification: Exempt

Studio: 2entertain

Release Date: 12 Nov 2012

Run Time: 701 minutes




Product Description:


Available on blu-ray for the first time ever, Life On Earth, the first of David Attenborough's great surveys of life on the planet has been re-mastered to HD quality - sharper and clearer than it has ever been seen before.

The landmark 1979 series tells the story of the development of life on Earth; from the first single-cell organism that appeared in the seas about 3,500 million years ago, to the millions of diverse and complex animals and plants that share the world with us today.

It features breathtaking photography and unforgettable footage - including David Attenborough's legendary encounter with the mountain gorillas of Rwanda, remarkable film of a live ceolacanth (long believed extinct), a tiny tadpole ejected from the mouth of a Darwin frog and the amazing interior of a cave full of bats.