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Sylpharma Sp. z o.o. ul. Złota 61 lok.101 00-819 Warszawa NIP: 527[zasłonięte]266-05 Nr konta : BPH 25 1060 [zasłonięte] 0[zasłonięte]0760080 [zasłonięte] 000486 (W tytule przelewu prosimy wpisywać NICK allegrowicza) |
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IPS Display
The IPS monitor carries the merit of having the same colour reproduction from any angle. You can enjoy original images without and colour shift from and angle, unlike TN monitors which displays major colour shift dependant on the viewing angle
Expert Tuned Colour Calibration
LG Provides an in-box Expert-tuned Colour Calibration report which states that the monitor has been pre-tuned for accurate colour at the factory production line.
Exact Colour Matching with the Original Image
Since the IPS monitor features consistency and less changes in colour temperature, it offers colour impression that is identical to that of the original image. Therefore, you can view valuable photos stored through the digital device in real colour that is close to the original.
Super Viewing Angle from Any Perspective
When viewing an image on conventional TN monitors, the colours in middle of monitor look slightly different from those on top and at the bottom. This phenomenon is known as colour shift, a shortcoming of TN monitors wherein colours look different as viewers’ perspective changes. On the other hand, the IPS monitor eliminates colour shift, maintaining consistent colour from the front, top, bottom, and just about from anywhere you stand.
Dual Package
Maximizing easy connectivity with Dual Monitor, Dual Web browsing & Dual Monitor Task bar when using a second monit