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LESSONS FROM THE TOP In search of the best business leaders


Thomas J. Neff & James M. Citrin


In the bestselling tradition of In Search of Excellence, fascinating and revealing profiles of the most successful business leaders in America and the strategies, methods, and motivational techniques they use to help make their companies great.

What makes a great business leader? What qualities do the men and women at the top of the world's best-run companies have in common? What lessons can they teach other managers and CEOs?

Thomas J. Neff and James M. Citrin provide the answers to these vital questions in Lessons from the Top. Using the most exacting standards imaginable, and employing the research expertise of the Gallup Organization and the analytical tools of investment advisers Lazard Freres, they selected the fifty best executives in business today and interviewed them about their long-term strategies, career milestones, key accomplishments, and guiding beliefs. The result is an unparalleled course in what it takes to create a successful, well-organized company in any industry.


Wydawnictwo: PENGUIN BOOKS

Ilość stron: 430

Okładka: miękka

Stan książki: dobry+, jak widać na zdjęciu, nieznaczne przetarcia na brzegach okładki, zagięcia na grzbiecie