Kubuk oferuje duzo wiecej ksiazek w jezyku angielskim! new selection Rubaiyat Khayyam Khayyám A White Romance Virginia Hamilton Locuras de amor La fuente de Villefranche The Citz The Michael Coveney Create Your Own Beautiful Hanging Garden Fisher Goblinz (Colour Young Puffin) Kaye Umansky | Natural Life Extension Leon Chaitow Stan: VeryGood. Co to znaczy? ISBN: 978[zasłonięte][zasłonięte]25263 Ile stron: 160 Okladka: Paperback Rok wydania: 1[zasłonięte]992-11 Rozmiar: 19.2x13x1.4 Waga: 140.7g Opis This book takes a look at a subject which has obsessed mankind for hundreds of years - the extension of one's life. The author examines the lifespan of the average person today and compares it to the potential of a human lifespan. In doing this, the author considers the debate between nature and nurture as the most important determining factor in long life. Focusing on four areas which affect the ageing process - safe stimulation of natural growth hormone, calorie restriction, slowing down the metabolic rate and antitoxidant nutrition - this book uses a combination of these four areas to influence lifespan.
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