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Lecture Notes:
Human Physiology |
DETAILS: Author: Ole H.
Petersen Language: English Publisher: Wiley-Blackwell Publication
Date: 21 Nov
2006 Dimensions: 17.3 x
3.4 x 24.4 cm Format: Paperback Pages: 664 Condition: NEW Product_ID: 14A51C6510
Lecture Notes: Human Physiology provides concise
coverage of general physiology for medical students as
well as students of biological sciences, sport science,
pharmacology and nursing. This fifth edition of the ever
popular Lecture Notes: Human Physiology has been
thoroughly revised and updated by a new international
team of authors. The simple structure and systems-based
approach remain, with a new clean layout for ease of
reading and colour now incorporated to aid
understanding. Lecture Notes: Human Physiology: *
Provides more focus on pathophysiology for clinical
relevance * Is the perfect introduction for medical and
allied health care students * Now includes physiology of
pain and increased coverage of heart and the vascular
system * Includes a completely revised chapter on the
nervous system. |
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