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latawiec Wainman Big Mama 15m + Bar ( Nobile Ozone

05-10-2014, 20:12
Aukcja w czasie sprawdzania była zakończona.
Cena kup teraz: 2 500 zł     
Użytkownik wotang1
numer aukcji: 4629163460
Miejscowość Katowice
Wyświetleń: 153   
Koniec: 05-10-2014 19:40:20

Dodatkowe informacje:
Stan: Używany
Waga (z opakowaniem): 2.00 [kg]
Marka: Inna marka
Powierzchnia [m2]: 15.00 [m2]
info Niektóre dane mogą być zasłonięte. Żeby je odsłonić przepisz token po prawej stronie. captcha

Mam do sprzedania Latawiec Big Mama 15m2 z Barem. Ten latawiec jest jak NOWY, będąc autentycznie JAK NOWY, użyty podczas tygodniowego wypadu na Sycylię. Dodaję fakturę zakupu z września tego roku jako dowód, żadnych przetarć czy minimalnych śladów użytkowania. Do zestawu dodaje Bar i Plecak. Całość w atrakcyjnej cenie, sprzedaję gdyż nie potrzebuję tak dużego latawca. 

Ewentualne pytania proszę pod numerem telefonu 600 [zasłonięte] 00 46

Latawiec można obejrzeć i odebrać w Katowicach




Wainman Big Mamma is the fifteen meters member of the new gang and it gives a new meaning to light wind riding. It can be used for a nice relaxing cruise or for hardcore maneuvers at the same time, depending on the rider’s skill and style.

• Rabbit Automatic Relaunch
• Improved upwind ability
• Light and direct bar feel
• Three strut configuration
• Extra reinforcements

The Wainman Big Mamma went through a serious process of research and development as well as extensive testing before hitting the market. That is because this fifteen meters member of the Rabbit Gang is developed with one specific purpose: to get you running and performing when the breeze barely blows. And the Wainman team has done an awesome job. When the other riders sit on the beach and wait for the wind to pick up to get some action, you don’t have to do that.

The Big Mamma is the mother of all kites and delivers fun and performance in the lightest wind conditions. The kite uses a three strut configuration and it is very easy to inflate. Once it is set in the air, the Big Mamma feels very powerful. Even in the lightest breeze it has an awesome traction force and can get you running pretty fast. Even if it may seem huge, the aerodynamic profile makes it run very smoothly and prevents drag and back stall. The kite turns tight and fast and is quite agile. It is the perfect choice for anyone looking for a casual light wind cruise or for the hardcore rider who likes to ride aggressively.

The auto positioning bridle is connected to the kite in three tow points and increases steering response, while it prevents the lines from tangling. Although it is such a big kite, the Mamma is light and easy to handle. The canopy, leading edge, struts and other stress areas reinforcements protect the kite from damage, but do not impose on the weight. The direct and light bar feels creates extra comfort, provides accurate control and allows the rider to gain confidence in his skills. Wainman has also enhanced the upwind and downwind potential of the kite, to make sure the riders get the most out of it in any situation. The Wainman Big Mamma is very dynamic and offers high jumps and extra hangtime.

The kite is not only powerful and easy to control, but also safe and user friendly. It has a nice depower range and the Rabbit Auto Relaunch system can get it back in the air quickly and easy if it is crashed. With this kite light wind or no wind conditions are no longer a challenge. You just set it up and can enjoy a great session. The Wainman Big Mamma comes complete with bar, pump, bag and kite and bar repair kits.