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Latawiec Ozone Catalyst 2014 12m komplet z barem

08-05-2014, 16:15
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Latawiec Ozone Catalyst 2014 rozmiar 12 metrów - komplet z barem plecakiem i pompką


Dostępne także rozmiary 8, 12 metrów


All-round Versatility and Performance

The Ozone Catalyst was incredibly well received last season, a favourite across the world and our top selling model. For this season we retain the same general design with minor tweaks and improvements and with obviously fresh new colours and printing. New 7m and 9m sizes have also been added to the line up.

Combining performance and versatility the Catalyst delivers across every category, it really does “do it all” to a very high level. It feels and performs equally well in all aspects of the sport satisfying a wide variety of riders.

For Freeriders the Catalyst is a kite that continues to please no matter what you choose to be doing on the day. The smooth power delivery and refined handling allows you to relax and enjoy the ride. The Catalyst is also an amazing Freestyle starting block right up to advanced unhooked riding. Its open C shape design offers a subtle C feel without being as aggressive as the C4. From your first unhooked moves through to handle passes and kite loops, the Catalyst delivers confidence-inspiring performance allowing you to push your limits.

In the waves the Catalyst is a predictable performer. The refined handling, de-power and float offer time to ride the wave rather than having to continuously fly the kite. It is not designed as a dedicated wave kite like the Reo, but still delivers solid wave riding performance.

As an entry level kite the Catalyst is the perfect choice. It is easy to ride and fly and can take you from being new to kiting all the way to advanced riding if you want. The easy flight characteristics, simple re-launch and progressive de-power means you can progress quickly and safely.

It has been the kite of choice for Ozone designer Rob Whittall and notably the up and coming youngster Patrick Blanc who has been riding the Catalyst in all the PKRA events. Patrick’s riding has improved over the season and he is pushing his way towards the top ten, not bad for a seventeen year old.

We are confident that you will find the Catalyst really is a true “do it all” kite.




Wind Range

4 22 - 35
6 20 - 35
7 18 - 34
8 17 - 32
9 16 - 30
10 14 - 28
12 12 - 26
14 11 - 23











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Latawiec Ozone Catalyst 2014 12m komplet z barem