Latawiec GIN Cannibal 2014 Komplet 11m
Latawiec GIN Cannibal 2014 Komplet z barem, leashem.
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GIN & tonic bar
Zalecana długość baru do latawców 5,5m, 7m, 9m to 44cm
Zalecana długość baru do latawców 11m, 13m to 52cm
With the newest GIN & TONIC bar 2014, you will get all what you expect from a GIN product: A simple, efficient, strong and well designed bar!
Certification: the GIN & TONIC bar is certified according to European norm (AFNOR) for kitesurf and snowkite use. The GIN & TONIC bar is NF S 52- 503 certified by the official European test laboratory Air Turquoise, ISO 9001:2008 (www.para-test.com).
Grip: ergonomical, soft and comfortable grip with orange-red tones on the left side.
Endcap: all covered endcap, extremely soft material for handlepass, ergonomical shape.
Quickrelease: easy to open and to re-build, work in all conditions (sand, dry sand, iced temperatures, with light or heavy tension on the bar, the quickrelease opens with less than 10 kg effort.
Donky-dick: removable, ideal for all style of riding (freestyle, wave, freeride, beginners).
Depower rope: covered with a thin, resistant and soft tube. that perfectly slides through the bar. Super strong construction and anyway easy to change.
Trim system: Clamcleat piece, light and efficient.
Swivel: resistant, fast turning and strong piece.
Safety line: with bungy for more comfort, big ring to be able to fix the kite leash directly on it or in the same time with the chicken-loop tube.
Chicken-loop: strong shape for a minimum of deformation, easy to catch, ideal for unhooked sessions.
Lines: ultra resistant material from Eurocord. Back pre-lines and front flying lines with 600 kg resistance. Back flying lines with 270 kg resistance. Clear colour and loop-knots codes.
44 cm bar / 52 cm bar with 24 meters lines (20m + 4m extensions lines) 7 meters extensions lines available as accessories.
With its constant and precise turn, the brand new GIN CANNIBAL is the perfect tool for demanding freestyle and wave riders. The very intuitive handling and progressive de-power also makes the CANNIBAL the best friend for freeriders across all levels. With a lightweight three strut construction and compact open C-Shape, the CANNIBAL offers an unmatched versatility to all riders, styles and conditions!
Responsive and intuitive GIN handling Constant and precise turn for kiteloops Fluent drift ability for wave riding
Super easy re-launch Progressive depower Unmatched versatility
Refined bridal with the redesigned Mini GIN Low Friction Ring Swiss Design New GIN & TONIC bar
CANNIBAL sizes: 5.5 / 7 / 9 / 11 / 13
gin kite leash
Quickrelease movement in the same direction as all the GIN safety systems
Backpack Fits your kite flavour, bar, pump and personal stuff.
Quick Bag Placed in the front pocket of the backpack. Fits the kite with or without inflated struts.
mini GIN low friction ring
GIN LOW FRICTION RING : The new kite bridle standard developed by GIN KITEBOARDING. No pulleys to break, no sand wear out! NEW size with the MINI GIN LOW FRICTION RING!
light and strong aluminium material
100% safe kite bridle system
CANNIBAL windrange
Windrange :
CANNIBAL 5.5: 16-40 KN CANNIBAL 7: 15-36 KN CANNIBAL 9: 13-32 KN CANNIBAL 11: 12-27 KN CANNIBAL 13: 9-23 KN

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