Happy Motheres -specjalizuje sie w sprzedazy produktow dla dzieci i niemowlat od ponad 10 lat.
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Kupuj u HappyMothers - Kupujac w naszym sklepie masz pewnosc ze kupujesz oryginalne produkty, gdyz kupujemy i sprowadzamy produkty bezposrednio od autoryzowanych dystrybutorow w USA
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Musser Xylophone - Xylo-Kit 3.5 Oct - Kelon M47
Wzor/Model: M4 Xylophone Kit
nowe w oryginalnym opakowaniu
Perfect for beginner and advancing students. The M-47 Xylo-Kit fill in the gap for a young percussion student growing from the Educational Bell Kit to a full size professional mallet instrument. Now a percussion student can have a full xylophone at a low price to expand their skill level.
The M47 is a hybrid mallet instrument made with Musser USA Kelon bars on an imported frame and resonators. The black finished bars offer a full xylophone sound in 3.5 octaves (F4 C8), tuned to A=442. The resonators are made from aluminum alloy with gold colored finish coating. End supports, brace supports and legs are made from tubular steel that can fold easily for transportation. Both Xylophones are height adjustable with 5 positions for the growing percussion student, placing the keyboard at a 32 37 in range.
The weight is only 60 lbs. Hard rubber mallets are included.
Towar wysylany jest w ciagu dwoch dni od zaksiegowania wplaty firma kurierska pod wskazany adres.
Droga lotnicza do 14 dni- pytaj o cene @ [zasłonięte]@happymothers.us
Dostawa droga morska 4-8 tyg podana w opisie
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