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Koszyczek na szklankę Tiffany Co 1887 srebro106g

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Koszyczek na szklankę wyprodukowany przez znaną firmęTiffany& Co  w 1887


Masa wyrobu: 106g

Próba srebra: 925

Stan zachowania : bardzo dobry

Napis wygrowerowany: Langston Moffett

Langston Moffett was primarily a newspaper writer and correspondent who painted solely from his imagination and memory because he considered the activity "a wonderful release from stress and as such has great therapeutic value in a machine age which man intrinsically hates." (90).  

He was born in Orange, New Jersey and studied in the East, including at Dartmouth College between 1921 and 1923.  From 1929 to 1930, he was a staff reporter in Paris for the New York Herald and then traveled as an independent correspondent including on an unsuccessful archaeological expedition to the Sahara Desert in Libya to find Cleopatra's emerald mines.

He married Claudia Read, and they had two sons.  Moffett began painting in 1930, when he was staying in Provincetown, Massachusetts, and the next year he and his family moved to St. Augustine, Florida where they lived at 27 Locust Street.  He served as President of the Arts Club from 1946 to 1947, and also wrote several novels with themes of alcoholism.

In 1947, he was given his first solo exhibition, which was in New York at the Joseph Luber Galleries in Greenwich Village.  Critics generally give him good reviews, finding his work regional scene depictions refreshing, unorthodox, humorous, appealing with bright colors and interesting formations.

In 1987, a traveling expedition organized by the Museum of Art in Fort Lauderdale included eighteen of his paintings, and the following year the Phyllis Kind Gallery of Chicago had a solo exhibition of his work.

Ross Moffett died in 1990 at St. Vincents Hospital in Jacksonville, having sustained a long illness.

Robert W. Torchia, Lost Colony: The Artists of St. Augustine, 1[zasłonięte]930-19, pp. 90-92

Wymiary: 50 mm x 95 mm

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