Koszulki Standard Premium 63,5 x 88 mm - 50 sztuk
50 koszulek na karty w rozmiarze standard CCG
Koszulki Standard 63,5 x 88 mm firmy Mayday Games są kompatybilne z grami 1960: Making of the President, 2 de Mayo, A Game of Thrones LCG, Call of Cthulhu CCG, Cold War: CIA Vs. KGB, Deadlands, Duel Of The Ages, Dungeoneer, Dwarven Dig, Empire Of The Sun, Game of Thrones CCG, Guillotine, Halls of Montezuma, Last Night On Earth, Lord of the Rings Trading Card Game, Lunch Money, Magic The Gathering, Munchkin Quest, Pandemic, Pokémon Trading Card Game, Race For The Galaxy, Race For The Summit, Railroad Tycoon, Shadowrun TCG, Star Trek: Custimizable Card Game (1st Ed), Star Trek CCG, Star Wars CCG, Thunderstone, Tomb, Traders of Carthage, Twilight Struggle, Twilight Struggle Deluxe Edition (2010), Warhammer: The Invasion Card Game Core, Warmachine, World of Warcraft Trading Card Game i wieloma innymi tytułami. Zobacz pełną listę kompatybilnych gier poniżej.
1960: Making of the President 2 de Mayo A Game of Thrones LCG -Chapter Pack A Game of Thrones LCG -Core Acquire (2008 version) Artic Scavanger Attack! Battleground: Fantasy Warfare Battleline Burn Rate Call of Cthulhu CCG Call of Cthulhu LCG Call of Cthulhu LCG -Asylum Pack Call of Cthulhu LCG -Core Set Cold War: CIA Vs. KGB Combat Commander: Europe Commands & Colors: Ancients Commands & Colors Ancients Exp #5 (Epic) Conquest of Paradise Conquest of the Empire Corunea Cutthroat Caverns + Deeper Deadlands: Doomtown Deadlands: The Battle for Slaughter Gulch Duel Of The Ages Dungeoneer Dungeoneer: Vault of the Fiends Dwarven Dig Empire Of The Sun Face Cards (Poker NOT Bridge) Fightball For Sale (Fred Edition) For the People Game of Thrones CCG Gem Dealer Get Bit Guillotine Halls of Montezuma Hera and Zeus Here I Stand Hordes Iliad Illuminati: New World Order Incan Gold (New 2009 Fred Version) Ka Ching Killer Bunnies Base (Blue & Yellow) Killer Bunnies Each Expansion Kingmaker (AH) -Large Crown Cards Last Night On Earth Last Night On Earth -Each Stock Up Last Night On Earth: Growing Hunger Legend of the Five Rings Loot Lord of the Rings Trading Card Game Lunch Money Magic The Gathering Masters Gallery Micro Mutants Modern Art Card Game (Fred Version) Money (Fred Version) MtG (Magic The Gathering) Munchkin Quest Mystery Rummy: Jack the Ripper Mystery Rummy: Jekyll & Hyde Netrunner Nexus Ops Nostra City Pandemic Pandemic: On The Brink Expansion Paths of Glory Penny Arcade Pig Pile Pirate King Pokémon Trading Card Game Poker Cards Princess Bride: Storming the Castle -Tactics Cards Race for the Galaxy Race for the Galaxy: Rebel vs Imperium Race for the Galaxy: The Brink of War Race for the Galaxy: The Gathering Storm Race For The Summit Railroad Tycoon Rheinlander Scripts and Scribes Scum Seppuku Shadow Hunters Shadowrun TCG Shifting Sands Sleuth Snarf Quest Space Station Assault Stalin’s War Star Trek: Custimizable Card Game (1st Ed) Star Trek CCG Star Wars CCG Successors (3rd Edition) Sylla Thunderstone -Sleeves a bit short To Court the King Tomb Traders of Carthage Twilight Struggle Twilight Struggle Deluxe Edition (2010) UFS Vampire: The Eternal Struggle Vegas Showdown War for Edaðh Warhammer: The Invasion Card Game Core Warmachine Wasabi Wilderness War World of Warcraft Trading Card Game World War II: Barbarossa to Berlin Wyvern.
Waga produktu:
0.100 kg

Aktualny cennik wysyłek:
Paczka pobraniowa - 15.00 PLN Paczka pobraniowa priorytetowa - 18.00 PLN Przesyłka kurierska pobraniowa - 22.00 PLN Paczkomaty - 9.00 PLN Przesyłka kurierska - 17.00 PLN List polecony ekonomiczny - 6.50 PLN List polecony priorytetowy - 7.50 PLN Paczka ekonomiczna - 9.00 PLN Paczka priorytetowa - 12.00 PLN
UWAGA!!! Wysyłka listem poleconym i listem poleconym priorytetowym jest możliwa tylko dla zamówień, których łączna waga jest mniejsza niż 0,5kg! Pozostałe transakcje realizowane są za pomocą paczek!!! Za pobraniem wysyłamy tylko dla osób z minimum 10 punktami w systemie komentarzy!!!