Przedmiotem tej aukcji jest mój czas poświęcony na grę w World of Warcarft.
Konto jest na serwerze Burning Legion/The Venture Co. i zawiera zarejestrowana podstawowa wersje gry (płyta z gra, game manual,przewodnik) wraz z dodatkami:The Burning Crusade (płyta z grą, game manual,przewodnik), Wrath of The Lich King (wersja elektroniczna) oraz Cataclysm (płyta z grą,game manual).
Zaraz po zakonczeniu aukcji podam wszystkie niezbedne dane wraz z odpowiedzia na sekretne haslo.
Troll Survival/Marksmanship Hunter 85 lvl server Burning Legion 403 pve item level, 390 pvp item level
8685 achivments points, 26 exalted reputations, 19000 honorable kills,
Profesje: Leatherworking 525, Skinning 525
Fishing/Cooking/First Aid 525
Archeology 445
310% Flying speed
40000 golda w plecaku
27 unikalnych tytułów m.in. the Undying, Starcaller, Twilight Vanquisher, Astral Walker, the Kingslayer, Bane of the Fallen King, Light of Dawn, The Argent Champion, of the Shattered Sun, Defender of the Shattered World, Destroyer's End i wiele innych
85 mountow, w tym m.in. Amani Battle Bear(Zul'Aman hc); Armored Razzashi Raptor(Zul'Gurub hc); Armored Brown Bear(For The Horde); Icebound Frostbrood Vanquisher, Bloodbathed Frostbrood Vanquisher(ICC Glory 25/10 man); Ironbound Proto-Drake, Rusted Proto-Drake (Ulduar Glory 25/10 man); Red Proto Drake (Glory of the Hero); Volcanic Stone Drake (Glory of the Cataclysm Hero); Dark Phoenix (Guild Glory of the Cataclysm Raider); Great Brewfest Kodo,Swift Brewfest Ram (Brewefest); Headless Horseman's Mount (Hallow's End); Swift Lovebird (Love is in the Air) i wiele wiele innych.
82 pety, w tym m.in. Argent Gruntling, Dark Phoenix Hatchling, Phoenix Hatchling, Dun Morogh Cub, Onyxia Whelping, Proto-Drake Whelp i wiele innych
Tauren Protection/Retribution Palladin 85 lvl server Burning Legion 390 pve protection item level, 387 pve retribution item level
3135 achivments points, 11 exalted reputations, 3548 honorable kills,
Profesje: Alchemia 525, Enchanting 525
280% flying speed
25000 golda w plecaku
8 tytułow w tym Destroyer's End
28 mountow
13 petow
Blood Elf Fire/Frost Mage 85 lvl server Burning Legion 380 pve item level
1200 achivments points, 5 exalted reputations, 415 honroable kills
Profesje: Tailoring 525, Herbalism 525
150% flying speed
2000 golda w plecaku
4 mounty
3 pety
Dwarf Protection/Arms Warrior 85 lvl server The Venture CO. 386 pve protection item level, 386 pve arms item level 3550 achivment points, 21 exalted reputations, 2820 honorable kills
Profesje: Jewelcrafting 525, Minning 525
20000 golda w plecaku
7 tytułów
10 mountow
12 petow
Worgen Fire/Frost Mage 85 lvl server The Venture CO. 385 pve item level 1915 achivments points, 12 exalted reputations, 1149 honorable kills
Profesje: Tailoring 525, Enchanting 525
5 tytulow
17 mountow
10 petow
You are bidding on my time leveling for this account. Said account remains the property of Blizzard. You will not 'OWN' the account, for it belongs to Blizzard. The only thing you are bidding on is the time I have invested into the account. All characters, items, in-game currency, and anything else associated with this auction will remain the property of Blizzard. By bidding on, inquiring about, or viewing this auction you are stating that you are in NO way affiliated with Blizzard Entertainment or any associated entity. World of Warcraft is a trademark of Blizzard Entertainment. All characters, items, gold pieces, or other intellectual property in World of Warcraft are the sole property of Blizzard Entertainment. This auction is not for the ownership of their intellectual property but rather for the time spent working on these characters and acquiring items. Before bidding on my auction you must read and agree to Blizzard's EULA located at:http://www.worldofwarcraft.com/legal/eula.html All title, ownership rights, and intellectual property rights in and to World of Warcraft are owned by Blizzard Entertainment and its licensors. This auction is not for said rights or intellectual property but is a compensation for time and effort invested personally outside the game. All items related in this auction will remain the sole property of Blizzard Entertainment. By viewing OR bidding on this account you assert that you are in no way affiliated or employed with Blizzard Entertainment. Disclaimer: By bidding on, inquiring about, or viewing this auction you are stating that you are in NO way affiliated with Blizzard Entertainment, ESA - Entertainment Software Association, or any associated entity. World of Warcraft is a trademark of Blizzard Entertainment. All characters, items, gold pieces, or other intellectual property in World of Warcraft are the sole property of Blizzard Entertainment. This auction is not for the ownership of their intellectual property but rather for the time spent working on this character and acquiring items. All references to 'the character' are indicative of my time spent on leveling the aforementioned character. All characters, items, in-game currency, and anything else associated with this auction will remain the property of Blizzard.